About Brian 

Prayer Room

I am sitting in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer as I write this. There is genuinely something very special about sitting in a place where prayer and worship goes on 24 hours a day and never stops. It's been going on for over a decade and it shows. It's really quite remarkable. One of the most striking aspects of this place is the median age of those involved. Most are in their twenties. They've given up whatever they have to to sacrifice their lives calling out to God. On the one hand we could look at this as irresponsible. They are, after all at the prime age to begin the process of making their way in the world. It's these years that really count when it comes time to retire. Even as I write those words on the page here I cringe. I suppose it all boils down to what worldview you have. What culture you are choosing to embrace. What kingdom you've chosen to serve.

It's almost midnight here. There are probably two or three hundred people praying right now. This will go on all night, all day tomorrow and all night tomorrow night. It simply never ceases. I've spent about 12 hours in the Prayer Room this weekend. I could spend another 12 easily. I'd stay in here all week if I could. Sitting here it all becomes so clear and I scratch my head and wonder what is wrong with we Christians sometimes. I'm not saying we have to all commit ourselves to a lifestyle of day and night prayer but sheesh. How many hours do we pray each day? How many minutes? How many seconds. Think about it. I have prayed along with this rotating, never ending prayer movement for the end of abortion, for revival in the hearts of the youth in California, for God to raise up 10,000 twelve year olds who would give themselves to God at a young age like Christ in the temple. It goes on and on and I'm humbled at how selfishly I pray usually. This weekend has taught me much but one of the more profound things is that it's REALLY and TRULY not about us and we REALLY and TRULY have to stop saying those words and still making everything about us. We have to REALLY and TRULY start living it.

Twenty somethings giving themselves to a life of sacrifice believing that it matters that they cry out to God day and night. I see almost no affects of the outside world here. Not in a wierd way like the real world doesn't exist. Quite the contrary. They are praying for the real world but are unaffected by it. It holds no appeal for them. They really could care less who wins American Idol. I see people crying before the Lord in profound love. What happens on the latest TV show or who wins the game this weekend is just not that important when you have an audience with the King and He smiles on you. Ughh. It's so sad the things we go to for life. The things we substitute for the real life Jesus offers. I see very little depression or self absorption around here. This probably has something to do with staying in the presence of the Lord as well. I have a lot of processing to do and I've managed to scribble out another stream of conciousness post that probably makes little sense but hopefully conveys some emotion. I am ever more convinced that we cannot live the life Jesus offers and that we're supposed to live without the Word of God every single day and without a genuine and fervant prayer life. It just won't work any other way and we have to stop pretending it will and sacrifice whatever we must in order to give our lives to God.

Onward Comrades,

Brian Hardin, 5/17/2009

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(Guest) 11/04/2018 02:36
More technical aspects and developing the more process for special praying people and developing great tips. The moving teaching https://www.australianessays.org/ concepts for abortion and choosing the embrace the rotating.

Magnus Nolan 12/06/2020 22:25
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