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The Long Walk 2010
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HisFlock 07/07/2010 07:38
How about an early morning walk and then head to the library or some other equally quiet (and air conditioned) location that you can reflect upon God's beauty in a peaceful location?
Adrian Browner 07/07/2010 13:31
Tried to complete the long walk; heat too overwhelming...
Olga a.k.a. olechka4480 07/07/2010 13:44
Last year, i was walking in 100+ weather in Italy ALL DAY LONG! :) It's only hard the first 30 min... and then your body adjusts, especially when you start concentrating on other things - like the beauty around you and how lucky you're to be alive and enjoy all that! :) I don't know... Where there is a will - there is a way! I personally think you might be over-thinking it... just go for it... it could be a long drive with the a/c on.. I don't know.. :) Good luck!..
Craig from Illinois 07/07/2010 22:12

Adrian, when the temps cool down try it again, but let us know before you go so we can be praying for you while you're walking.

April 'nvcatlover' 07/07/2010 23:48
I agree with Craig, Adrian. Be at peace and know that God knows your heart.
Adrian Browner 07/08/2010 08:50
Let me start off by saying this was my first Long Walk and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with God.

I started around 8:30 yesterday morning. I did not go to my original destination, at least not immediately. Where I did go, I stayed for an hour and took some pictured. I found my original destination when I decided to continue my walk; my next stop to relax was in a slightly shady area for a few more hours.

Because I took public transportation, I had to walk back to an area that was near another train and/or bus route. During the next phase of my walk, the combination of the sun, heat, and humidity became overwhelming and I could not continue. I managed to make it to a safe place where a couple of friends helped me until they were sure I could go make it home.

I had mixed feelings; not about the Long Walk itself or what I accomplished. I had mixed feelings about some of the reactions I had to my post. While there were some helpful suggestion/comments, I felt there were also comments that were complete dismissive to my question.

The area of the country where I live (US, Mid-Atlantic region) has been under a heat advisory with poor air quality that extended into the evening and night hours. We are experiencing record breaking temperatures because of the heat. Night time temperatures are in the 80s (sometimes 90s).

When you have extreme temperatures like we are experiencing, it can be exhausting and deadly. And although temperatures in different cities can read the same (100+ degrees), it's not the same because there are other factors involved.

With that being said, I still felt that I was successful in my accomplishment even though I did not complete an entire day.
Calico 07/08/2010 10:09

How wonderful to hear of your experiences, brother, I hope you post those pics with along with others here!

I pray that within this thread that you do not feel things as purposefully being dismissive or intentionally hurtful unto you. If you have felt slighted by anyone here, I apologize; certainly for myself if there was offense by me, yet also on behalf of any brother or sister here who is known and loved by me (which is everyone on the thread).

I agree with you on this: "although temperatures in different cities can read the same (100+ degrees), it's not the same because there are other factors involved." I can tell you that in leaving to go on The Long Walk, here in South Western Ontario, the area was under not only an extreme heat warning but a poor air quality advisory as well. There were also "unsettled atmospheric conditions" which meant the possibility of fast-building thunderstorms (which did occur, toward the end of my day).

My aunt later asked me "didn't you KNOW about this? heck, do you think it was WISE of you to go?"

Yet I went anyway, and found the conditions to be "part of the way it was" for this year's Long Walk. In reading through the threads of others, you and I can both know that many of our brothers and sisters here experienced heat and weather conditions. For my personal account, I am blessed that the hardship drew me to places of quiet reliance on Him, letting me hear the subtly of His whispering. It was indeed a wonderful day.

Speaking of my own nature, I am someone who would go out in these conditions anyway; I've done so before and have a personal awareness of how to equip myself for it. Others, such as my aunt, and perhaps you also, may simply see things differently regarding the scenario.

If there are differences, I pray that all of us here do not let them come between us, and that all of us here on this thread can give empathy and forbearance - the limitations of online communication can often hinder the growth of our friendships here. I hope the brothers and sisters here can still offer you encouragement even on the day after The Long Walk.

Love you, even if I haven't met you face-to-face :-)


Adrian Browner 07/08/2010 11:56

I'm actually a woman but thank you for your feed back.

Calico 07/08/2010 12:02

LOL I think there was an unwitting "transference" there, on my part; I have a friend named Adrian who is a guy and simply "made an assumption."

...and you know what happens when you assume...

Silly me! :-P

Sorry about that, Adrian, my sister,

Blessings still!

Millynne Brown 07/08/2010 23:00
The weather can be a concern, but I think a lot of the purpose of the "Long Walk" isn't so much in actually having to be on a "walk" so much as it is taking the time out to spend especially with God. Wherever you end up being able to spend time is fine -- and if conditions make it that you needed to cut the time short, that's nothing to be upset about. After all the Lord knows your heart and knows circumstances also -- it's having a relationship with Him that's the cool part!
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