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The Long Walk 2010
My Long Drive
Today I got in the car half expecting something to thward my plans once again. It's happened every year so far. This time I escaped cleanly into the rolling hills of Tennessee where cell phone coverage is almost non existent and drove south along the Natchez Trace Parkway to a small little (former) settlement called Napier. There once was a mine and a furnace there and it drew many people from nearby counties for work. My family migrated here. My great grandfather worked in the mine and is buried in the Napier cemetary. My father is also buried there. I hadn't been to his grave site in several years because it's a bit far for a quick drive. It takes the heart out of a day to go.

My dad was born there. He went to school in a one room schoolhouse that still stands next door to the cemetary. The church where he accepted Christ at 8 years of age is just down the country road a little bit. It's falling apart. It probably won't last much longer but this visit the door was wide open and I was able to go in one more time and look at the humble little country place where Christ came to this boy who grew up to be my dad and everything that happened in my life (including my life) has it's roots in this little country church.

I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit with me all day. Peaceful. No rush. No agenda. No checklist. No nothing. Just God.

Loved it.
Brian Hardin 07/07/2010 20:54

Craig from Illinois 07/07/2010 21:54

I loved the Natchez Trace Parkway! Family heritage and remembrance can be bittersweet. I'm thankful that you found peace in God!


Jenna in Austin 07/07/2010 23:17
That sounds great Brian. I pray you continue to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit...
April 'nvcatlover' 07/07/2010 23:30
Thanks for sharing your day with us Brian...sounds like you were refreshed by the Holy Spirit and got to just "be" without trying or forcing any feelings but allowing God to fill you and spend the day with Him. I wish I could have gone on my long walk...last year it was Lake Tahoe, but alas I am working now and had to work a 10 hour shift today. Maybe this weekend I can do my long walk. God Bless you friend! Hugs, April
Olga a.k.a. olechka4480 07/08/2010 00:09
Fantastic... It brought tears to my eyes, because this generation doesn't know much about their roots, where they come from... I'm happy your children would be different. Thanks for sharing, Brian!
Calico 07/08/2010 11:30
Hey Brian,

It's hard to imagine you without any "connecting stuff" in your pocket, brother (no laptop, recording stuff, celphone, day-planner, agenda, etc.), but I am blessed by what you've shared about "heritage."

"Heritage" is a different thing than "citizenship," I think. Knowing what stock you come from, and where things have been formed that later came to pass... wow. It gives rooting to an ongoing identity. The way in which God could orchestrate an outcome from these things amazes.

Indeed, DAB is born of these God-oriented Hardin roots too, amen?


Hugs, brother...

Bonnie 07/08/2010 21:58
Wonderful to hear your Long Walk happened this year! What a rich heritage of faith...and to return as a son to the place where your dad responded to the call of Jesus on his heart at such a young special. Holy ground indeed.
Millynne Brown 07/08/2010 22:32
It is so wonderful to be able to celebrate such wonderful roots and know that God is still present as you re-visit such a special place. I'm glad your day included just "hanging out with God" and not having to worry about any agenda or details -- sounds like just what you needed.