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Thank you all for the prayers
God is great. A few months ago I called the prayer request number and ask for prayers for a growth on my thigh. Today was my second appointment to find out what the biopsy they did on my leg revealed. Thank God it was found that the growth on my leg is not cancerous. It is still there and an irritation but I now know it is something that can be taken care off and will totally heal. Thank you to all my DAB family who heard the request and prayed. As soon as I put the call thru on the prayer line I felt a peace and knew all would be well.

Brian you are doing a great service to so many and I really wish I had more to give to this work. Sometimes just knowing others are out there praying along with you is what you need.

Thank you again.
debra clinton 08/19/2010 14:02

gloria 08/19/2010 17:46
Praise God. Our Lord is truly Great.
We thank you Lord for Debra's healing as it was according to your will.
Jake Van Horn 08/20/2010 01:40
Thank you Lord for your healing. That is great news!