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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Grettings Saints and sinners
My name is JD stands for Joe Dan. I live in NC north of Charlotte. I have been listening to DAB since July 2011. Although I can't claim it has drastically affected my life I can say I look forward to listening to it everyday as much for the prayer requests as for the Word. I can relate to many of the prayer requests as my life has been wrought with many trials and struggles. In 1991 I discovered that I had contracted a deadly virus called HCV(Hepatitis C Virus). I have been suffering from this virus for at least 20-30 years and I don't know how I contracted it. Nevertheless I have it and it has taken a liver from me. In August of 2010 I had a liver transplant by the Grace of God it was a miracle! I am currently on a treatment for the HCV. The liver transplant saved my life but failed to get rid of this insidious virus. The side affects of the treatment have left me virtually bed ridden as I have no energy to do anything.
Anyway any and all prayers are welcome and I know many of you are praying for me and my total healing and recovery and I thank you all very much.
My greeting may seem strange but I believe there are only 2 types of people on earth, Saints and sinners.
If you have come to accept Christ as your Saviour you are a Saint if not you are a sinner. I try to keep things simple because I get confused easily.
Anyway my wife and I attend regularly the Four Winds Mission streaming services on Sunday morning and the EvenSong service in the evening. We have come to love and appreciate the New Anglican Mission services. I say new because of the relaxed casual nature of the services at Four Winds I don't think the traditional Anglican Mission church are that casual but I could be wrong as I have never attended an Anglican Mission Church before.
I wish I could get to know more of the DAB family but it seems correspondence is limited to the forums or chat rooms where no one ever seems to be available to chat or rarely so be that as it may I enjoy the whole DAB community idea that the Lord has given to Brian and family and although I still feel alone it helps to know there are others out there struggling as I am to stay in touch with the Lord in this rapidly disintegrating world. Maranatha Lord Jesus Come quickly love you all in Christ Jesus!
JDan 12/02/2011 10:06

DianeZ 12/02/2011 15:33
Welcome JD! I will be praying for you and your health! I watch the Four Winds Mission on most sundays also. I don't really get into the chat or forums very much but I'm still here, watching with you.
Jake Van Horn 12/03/2011 00:05
Welcome JD. I know that there were quite a few people chatting on Justin TV in connection with the wind farm cafe live feed, at least at some point. I haven't been in for quite some time but every time I've dropped in, there seemed to be people chatting. There are also quite a few DABERS on facebook these days. Between all the different facebook pages in connection with DAB there seems to be many opportunities to connect through out the day. Its great to meet you and I'm praying with you.
Calico 12/08/2011 10:17
Aye, maranatha indeed, JD,

It's been good to get to know you over these last several months. Our talks on chat can always have those times when we "go deep," eh? It's wonderful to experience all of that with you and Wendy, and I pray that the coming year with DAB brings you better health, a deeper spiritual connection, and a strength in Christ the likes of which will continue to establish you here as a wonderful presence in the community!

Good to know you, brother, hug,

Praying with you,


P.S. - the chat thing; it ebbs and flows. But let me say this: in a couple of weeks, new DABers will be springing up all across the planet as they receive new gadgets and devices for Christmas. They'll then begin accessing iTunes and other media providers for RSS feeds, and that will bring them here to DAB. So hang in there. Lotsa new people are on the way. And YOU can be one who greets them, either here on the forums, or in chat, or across the platforms of communication that are provided (Facebook, Google+, etc.).
JDan 12/20/2011 06:53
Thank you all for you warm welcome. I was just used to which was busy all times of the day and night but this is a different format I realize. And as I am disabled and alone most of the time I look for believers to fellowship with because it encourages me in my faith and give me hope that things may not be as bad as they seem in the natural. Love to you all and hugs through Christ Jesus our LORD.
RaceGirl 12/20/2011 16:31
welcome JD!! I hope to one day live in Charlotte! I LOVE that city, and a HUGE NASCAR fan and want to one day have a race related job in that area! I am glad you are here and hope you will be blessed!