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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
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Heidi 01/02/2012 01:28
I am glad to meet you as well but there is actually another Heidi. She is the one you talked to in the chatroom. I have yet to meet anyone in the chatroom. Texas and Montana are very similar. I always have considered them sister states because they used to be connected with the cattle trade.
I love music. It is always wonderful to meet musicians. I think that maybe God sang when he created the universe.
It is nice to meet you and may God bless you
Heidi 01/02/2012 01:31

I love the Yellowstone area. I actually live farther north. I live near Flathead Lake and Glacier National Park. I love this state. I feel blessed just to live here. I hope you get to come back. God bless.
Tom B 01/02/2012 07:33
Greetings Heidi. It has been a pleasure to meet you.
Heidi 01/02/2012 10:49
hi Tom,
nice to meet you as well. =)

Kevin Cotton 01/02/2012 15:23

How is it up there? Are there as much buffalo?
When you say God sang when he created the universe I picture Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia. I like to think that's how it happened too :)

Heidi 01/04/2012 18:59
It's is Beautiful up here. I know people say they live in God's Country but I really think I live in God's Country.
We do have buffalo. I live about an hour from the National bison range. All the Bison from Yellowstone National Park came from the herd at the Bison range. Plus they sell the excess animals from the herd to people around here. There are actually Buffalo Farms here. Kinda like Cows but Bigger and more dangerous.

Brittany 01/04/2012 20:11
Hello, Heidi! I am glad we are in this together. I, too, am learning what it means to be content in singleness. :)
Heidi 01/05/2012 22:18
Most days I'm content with being single. God has blessed my life in so many ways. I have freedoms that married people do not. The fact that when I started teaching I stayed at school until 11 pm at night would not have been acceptable if I was married. I am able to dedicate myself to my students in a way a married woman would not but I feel like half of me is missing. God made us for marriage but if that is not what he plans for me I am certain he will have greater more exciting plans for me. I am working on having faith and trusting his plan not my own.
Kristi 01/06/2012 12:08
Hello Heidi,
I am right there with you. I have been divorced for five years, and I have been struggling with this a lot lately. About a year ago, my ex husband met someone. She just recently moved in with him. I have been struggling with why hasn't God allowed me to meet someone too? I need to learn to be content with being single too, but it is so difficult when we live in a world made for couples. I am working on trusting God's plan and not my own. So hard!
DianeZ 01/06/2012 12:20
Heidi and Kristi - I am in the same situation as you both! Most days I am content with being single as well, but every now and then I get a strong sense of loneliness that is very hard to deal with. The only thing I have found to help is I make a strong effort to go and be with family. Like I call up my brother or mom and ask to come hang out with them. It helps a lot to not be sitting at home just dwelling on the fact that I'm alone, and the feelings seem to pass faster.

Kristi - My ex and I have been divorced for almost five years as's funny because just late last night he told me he had met someone and he wanted our daughter to meet her. So yeah, I can understnad how that made you feel because I was in the same boat last ngiht. We have both remained single this whole time until now, so I'm having a hard time knowing how to handle this. It's all new. I will be praying for you and your boys. = )
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