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Tom B 01/03/2012 11:29
I have actually liked the additional music this week, but I know it is personal preference. We may all react differently.
John T 01/03/2012 20:08
I like the music, but my first thought that it sounded weird... but then I realized that Brian was re-recording these since the 2007 (?) version. The new sound :-)
Brian Dobson 01/03/2012 21:17
If the music is too loud, then yes, Worric has a very valid point. Fortunately though, I haven't come across a podcast of DAB yet that has music drowning out Brian's Reading of Scripture.
worric123 01/04/2012 00:38
Thanks all for your comments. Its only recently that I've noticed the louder music and its only on Daily Audio Proverb (I'm listening to January 4th).

It has kind of a jazz/dance feel. (The third had kind of an Indian/new age feel them it got much softer.).

Anyway, Brian always has good taste in music. I'll probably end up "digging it".
John T 01/07/2012 19:07
Listening to Proverbs 10, the new one... very weird music, bring back the old music. This is an alien sort of dance mix, with drums and odd wind noises or something... It is quite distracting.

My 2 cents!
John T 01/08/2012 19:46
Listened to some more... still finding the drum beats distracting, like taking in a noisy place, difficult to hear and not as calming as the old backgrounds. Is this a test of the audience or an official change?
Lynn Marie 01/11/2012 14:56
I don't like the music, it makes me very sleepy and it distracts from Brian's voice.
Perry 01/18/2012 16:30
Interesting, I’m a music educator of 25 years and I too am bothered by music …ONLY if it’s a melody that I recognize… other than that I love what Brian has done with the relaxing sounds and soft unidentified, easy melodies that underlie the spoken Word of God. What a blessing to have heard music all day (in the work place) than come and listen to the sweet sounds of DAB music with Brian’s voice reading Scripture. Soothing, to say the least… it’s like I’m being bathed with the sounds of nature and music… as it SHOULD be.

Thanks DAB. Btw, I had to purchase the complete CD package years ago... of the DAB background music… there are times I’ll just listen to that while I’m studying as well.
DAB’s music “works for me” :)
to each his own...
John T 01/18/2012 19:33
I really like the DAB (Bible) music, but the DAP (Proverb) music seems to be very different - test both Perry, what are your thoughts?
Perry 01/23/2012 07:39
John... check it out... this is what i've found...

I think I understand what the problem might be… the music is the same for each day… first the sound of a babbling brook… with a light song of a couple sparrows… (Soothing, I might add) and then… like clockwork… the soft intro of an electric guitar lead… like an ES 335 playing the notes E,D,E…G… Actually, no identifiable melody… continuing with the same feel for each reading.

I must say, I didn’t notice that each day’s music was the same until I started listening to them back-to-back and it does one of two things; it creates a sense of familiarity that each day’s reading is coalescing around the same neighborhood of musical thoughts… while on the other hand can become somewhat mundane in having so much familiarity that the mind no longer hears random tones and pitches anymore but rather excepts the next musical phrase. This could very well be what has become the annoyance that many are trying to define.
As for me… I’m a guitar player… ;)
Lovin it…

Enjoy life...In Him

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