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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Never alone
I've been a Dabber for nearly 4 years and just quietly soaking up the Message. I thought it was about time I investigated the forums! DAB has been there for me through some pretty tough times. I started listening because I was in a bad situation and longed for some guidance, but couldn't find time to sit down and read the Bible. I did have a dog who needed walking twice a day though, so could easily listen to a podcast when on the move, and that's how it began and soon I was hooked.

I recently moved on my own from Scotland to Singapore and what is so comforting is that DAB can go with you wherever, so you have the familiarity of Brian and the Word of God to keep you strong and encouraged. It has been a truly amazing journey for me and the Lord has blessed me beyond my imagination. Keep faithful in the Word and you will see your life transformed. Thank you so much DAB for being there - I feel that i've taken you for granted for so long but want to shout from the rooftops how life changing it can be to feed on the Bible each day. To be faithful in your listening, but not legalistic. It is life changing and miraculous if you let go of self and give Him all the glory. To understand that it's all about Grace and nothing is earned - Jesus has done it all for us and set us free and He wants us to live like we truly believe this, without guilt and condemnation because he already paid dearly on the cross.

Brian, it's mind blowing to think how many people there must be like me out there listening to you daily and growing in faith - all over the world. What an amazing God we serve!
Thanks beyond words for your dedication and sacrifice - this is a truly Spirit led ministry.
Carol 01/18/2012 09:18

Tom B 01/18/2012 11:57
Hi Carol. I agree with you that it is a comfort to listen to God's word in this way every day.
Jake Van Horn 01/19/2012 00:01
Hi Carol. Welcome to the website!
Sewdelighted 01/22/2012 23:07
Thanks for sharing. What is life like in Singapore?