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Christian Perspective on Current Economic Direction
Hey Family,

I just wanted to share...

I do work in the equity markets, so I am very much tuned in daily to news of what's happening domestically and around the world in our economy. However, the other day I overheard the Turning Point program (on the radio) with Pastor David Jeremiah. He is doing a whole series on how what's going on right now politically and economically is STAGING for the final "New World Order". Nothing I hadn't already heard from secular sources. But it is exactly what I felt I needed, was to hear teachings from a Biblical perspective. I found he really knows his stuff, both in the facts he presents and in his knowledge of the Bible's predictions (particular on this subject).

Even back in Bible times people thought they could be living in the end times. However, I think just about all of us will agree, things have never been more obvious and extreme as they are now, in leading up to what the Bible says will happen. And I believe we are on the brink of that.

Anyways, I know alot of us are feeling the direct result and struggle of what's going on in our world today. (Employment struggles, housing market disasters and the general direction of our Nation has never been SO up in the air).

I just wanted to share this, is all. For any of you who don't already know about this series. (If you're interested).... Here's the website where you can listen to each teaching as it is available.

If anyone wants to get in touch. My email is

God bless!

Starlette ForGod 04/20/2012 15:38

John T 05/02/2012 19:46
Good stuff Starlette,
Some good things about Christ and economics that I've read in the past are materials by the late Larry Burkett. One good book is "The Coming Economic Earthquake". It's almost eerily predictive of the situation these days.

Starlette ForGod 05/03/2012 13:40
Cool, I will definitely check those out too. It's neat because it's usually the things most people view as "bad" that truly confirm God's word. And so instead of being depressed about stuff like this, I just get REALLY excited for the Lord. God bless you too, John!! XO