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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Hello everyone! I live on Long Island, NY. I have been listening to DAB for the past year and a half. It is an important part of the day. I enjoy listening to Brian read and his interpretation of the bible. At times I don't get to listen everyday. I find that when this happens I loose my focus on God and instead I focus on other things. I try to steer my ship and more often than not I go off course. I am so happy that I found this app! It's wonderful.
Cheryl 11/18/2012 18:46

tara 11/18/2012 20:02
Welcome to the DAB Fam :)
slaveofjesus923 11/23/2012 19:23
Cheryl if you have the DAB app, check out under Audio, Prayers, the Daily Prayer. If you read that prayer OUTLOUD along with Bryan every morning first thing... even before you get coffee/take care of the family, I promise your compass will be on course more days than not. Sure enough I didn't do it recently during a 2-day trip and those days we my least "biblical".
Tom B 11/26/2012 14:19
Welcome to the Forum Cheryl.