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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
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Helga 01/25/2013 21:59
Sally, I am married to a non-believer for over 30 years. Same story like yours. One thing is with me that God uses my husband often to speak to me. He grew up in a very traditional church. The pastor seemed to him being one who only blames you for being wrong. So church was hell for my husband because there seemed to be no love in each sermon. They learned the bible like rules and regulations and no love. My husband looks around him and sees a lot of Christian's acting like hypocrites. So it is very difficult to convince him about the life of Jesus. When we got married we both were non-Christians. I never give up, I know that Jesus knows my heart and that He uses anyone to speak to me and that at the end I have to shine His light through me.
I am glad you joined the forum and it is good that we keep on praying for our unsaved spouses.
Lord help each one of us to let your Light shine through each one of us. Help us to see the heart of men and help us to always know that You are in control of our lives. We trust you Lord and we love you Lord and I pray that you write your Word on each one of our loved one's heart.
Ray 01/26/2013 09:31
Greetings. Did you catch Jesus in the reading for the 25th? Matt 16 “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it...." This spoke loudly to me yesterday. I can't shake it. All my troubles are with me not doing just that. I tend to want it to be my way. In fact, we are called to walk with him and watch what he is doing and be ready to play our part. Loosing you life is just that. It's what he did. So, "I so long for him to know who Jesus is." That would be you as you watch and pray. We never know how God is going to bless that, be he wants to and will. My problems comes when I try to do the work of the spirit by my will to get what I want rather than loosing my life. Praying for you, Sally. You know there is a women's group over here: but I don't know if it is active.
slaveofjesus923 01/27/2013 19:54
Too funny Ray- that is why I picked moniker slaveofjesus923.... Luke 9:23 says the same thing must take the cross --- DAILY.
Ray 01/28/2013 18:17
Cool beans, Bart. Southern Pines! My wife's family has their family reunion down in that area in a wide place in the road called Carthage. I like visiting down there. Sometimes we'll go over to the big city of SP. Tar heal believers rock, eh!
Lapsang1 01/31/2013 14:04
Bart, Helga and Ray
I want to thank you all so much for taking the time to send me a message. It is good to connect with brothers and sisters in the same situation. Ray, I have been thinking about what you said. It is true, I should view the situation as not what I want, my plan etc, but trust that God's plan is perfect and he will bring Mark into his kingdom. Bart, I am thrilled that you have come to know the Lord relatively recently, I will pray for you and your wife. I look back at the early days of our marriage and some of the most clumsy things I used to do, you know the kind of thing, posting scriptures on the fridge, quoting scripture at him... goodness, what a patient man he was! He displays many Christlike qualities, such as service and not seeking to be praised for it. I could learn a thing or two from him in truth.. Helga, I am so encouraged to hear how the Lord uses your husband to speak to you. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I will remember you all in my prayers and lift your spouses up. God is good, ALL the time. I will take up my cross. God bless you. Sally xxx
Lapsang1 01/31/2013 14:07
p.s. another thing I was going to say, is that England is very different as far as religion is concerned. Though I have not been to the states or South Africa, being part of a church seems a lot more commonplace. Would that be correct? We are a very secular society here. You mention anything to do with faith and it most often goes down like a lead balloon or you get funny looks, so I am praying that God will give me courage to witness and stand out from the crowd. Love you guys. xxx
Helga 02/01/2013 21:40
Sally, I am in Namibia and here most people do know Christ and it is easier to share His Word. So we are fortunate in this way. The one thing is that because lots of them go to church out of tradition they do not really have a personal relationship with Jesus. When things go their way then Jesus is good and when things do not go their way then it is all His fault. We all fight this battle and therefor do need to pray for one another and encourage one another.

These I copied from Davidwayne Lackey's Devotional "God makes it grow"
As we plant and water, it's normal to want to see some growth. We may desire to see blossoms overnight, but God is growing a mighty shade tree with deep roots and wide branches that will not break in the wind - and this kind of growth takes time. We may NEVER see the eternal results of our effort, but we must patiently continue to plant and water, and trust God to accomplish His work; "{My Word} will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I have sent it" (Isaiah 55:11).

Each of us knows someone who needs to know our Heavenly Father in a more personal way. There are great ministry opportunities placed in our path every day. Let's obediently follow by being well nourished and casting forth the seed and water of His Word without becoming discouraged. Let's remember we are the servants through whom He works, but let's ALWAYS remember that God makes it grow!
Ray 02/02/2013 14:13
"Let's remember we are the servants through whom He works..."

This week that phrase we've heard before came to me again, "You are the only Jesus somebody will ever see." It hit me hard how true that is. People need him desperately and he lives through us to get to them. We are really, really important in the His kingdom. That's not to pat us on the back and make us feel good. It's to make us realize we MUST plant/water or it won't happen. He won't force it. He WANTS us to stand up, grow up, and light up the world.

This morning a guy came in to our area of service asking for help. He just needed someone to stand with him as the alcohol was killing him and he knew it. He needed us to be Jesus in the face of a killer enemy (John 10:10), the evil one who wore the face of alcoholism in this case. It was an amazing experience that made the saying come to life. At one point he said he was just so tired to praying and nothing happening. It was then I realized that something was happening that he could not see. He was with us and we could try to get him medical assistance. We will stand shoulder to shoulder with him in the hard road ahead with detox. That's God moving. It just doesn't look like it, no parting Red Sea, just trench fighting, which is where we all are, and our only weapon is God's love.

You guys are great to be in the trenches with. Have fun lovin'
Birgitta D 10/25/2013 03:27
Thank you for your thoughts. I'm in the same situation. You comforted me by the words that I may never se the result, because how God is working with a person in an unique way, that I may never understand. But my responsibility is to keep on giving the water and nourishment.
Anyway, recently he has starting to ask about what I believe in, he has noticed that I'm listening to DAB, and we have been reading "The Screwtape Letters" by C S Lewis together and talked about the text.
And to my surprise, after this book, he want me to read the whole Bible to him!!!
He says, that it's not for wanting to believe, but that so many books and movies refer to the Bible and when you don't know the referens you miss some huge points in the book/movie.
So now dear friends, help me in my prayers for my man Jonas that God through the Word will touch his heart. May God bless you all.
Greetings from Stockholm, Sweden.
Helga 10/25/2013 04:03
Wow Birgitta, I am very exited for you. Now you can tell your husband that he can listen every day also to Brian reading the Bible and that you maybe both can read along and then Brian's short discussion at the end of every day are really full of wisdom. Praying for you all...God is good
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