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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Hey DAB Community
Hey everyone! My name is Randall and I've been listening off and on since 06. I've really been getting back on track with being daily in the last month or so. I just wanted to say that I love the personality of this community. Every time I listen to the calls at the end I am moved to hear just how much you all care for each other. I look forward to this upcoming year and reading the Bible with you all. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Randall 12/15/2012 12:02

Randall 12/15/2012 13:07
Well let me go ahead and give a little more background on myself, as it does say tell us about yourself. :)

I've spent most of my life dealing with social anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. Both of them came on strong right around the start of junior high. The anxiety was the worst. I basically got to the point where I would have panic attacks in stores and became very avoiding of people and crowds. Fear of crowds, people, and what they were thinking about me consumed my thoughts. That, along with the ocd, made me feel lonely and depressed. I ended up trying to home school after my freshman year of high school because of the anxiety. That didn't work out. I didn't drive when I turned six-teen and of course that only made me feel more anxious because people didn't understand why.

I grew up in church most of my life and accepted the Lord before I was ten years old. I, like many I'm sure, would have times in my life where I really sought Him and had a close relationship with Him and others where I was not very close and did not seek Him. There is so much more I could say, but in trying to keep this somewhat shortened, I do believe that He never left me nor forsaken me. In fact, that brings me to the best parts of this story.

In 05, at nineteen years old I went and got my G.E.D. and even got my driver's license. Over the last several years I have been blessed with opportunities to speak to a few youth groups and to teach them God's Word. I've now spoken in front of crowds, a few times with close to 100 people. I currently am filling in temporarily on Wed. and Sun. for a youth pastor who recently had to move. I have a long way to go still, but if you could understand where I came from you'd understand my reasons for praising God for where I'm at. I still struggle with anxiety and it's not easy, but I give all the glory and praise to God because I know that without Him none of this would be possible.

I'm now 27 and about to go to college for the first time this coming year. I'm nervous, but God is on my side and has made this possible. I'm a work in progress. I probably move a little slower than the Lord would like, but nevertheless He has been faithful. I don't know how I would make it in life without Jesus.

That's my story. Thanks for listening.
Craig from Illinois 12/16/2012 08:34
It's great to have you with us, Randall. I love hearing stories of our DAB brothers & sisters. Keep posting and we will keep reading! Thanks for sharing!

Tom B 12/18/2012 15:47
Randall, welcome to the forums! I was glad to read your introduction.