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How I came to Listen to DAB
I was going through some serious spiritual attack. I prayed and fell asleep praying. As I was getting ready to awake, I heard a voice saying over and over again: "DAB Bible". It said it three times. I have about 7 copies of Bibles in my house. I don't recall that any of them is a DAB bible. I got my laptop and went online because I never heard of this version before. I typed DAB bible, into google search. I was sure that I was not going to find this Bible. The first thing that came up was daily audio bible. I clicked on it and listened. I heard a guy named Bart aka slave for Christ giving a testimony about spiritual attack. I contact him by email. He advised me and follow up with me and helped me through this difficult moment. One of the main theme of his assistance was that praying out loud will help. It helped. Yes, I am still attacked but not with the frequency. I am glad that the Yahweh led me to this website.All honor and glory belongs to him. I have been listening ever since.
Ann Barber 01/13/2013 07:31

Tom B 01/14/2013 09:33
Welcome to the community. I have been blessed here too.
slaveofjesus923 01/25/2013 04:11
.... Ann right now I am in tears (this Christian thing is making me such a wuss ;) and didn't even know we had that effect (you've help convince me I am on the right track at least for today). Thank you for sharing. Today's OUTLOUD declartion in John Eckhardt book "Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfaare"-

You are my shield, and You give me victory and great honor. I pray to You, and You answer from Your sacred hill. I sleep and wake up refreshed because You, Lord, protect me. I will rest at night because you give me sleep. I take authority over ever demon that is released against my family and me at night. I will meditate upon my Lord in the night watched.