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Need Encouragement?
Pain from Breakup
Hello Family. I really need your prayers. I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 months this past weekend. There are several reasons for my choice including feeling a strong warning from God through Proverbs about the relationship. I couldn't dim the internal prompting any longer. So it is done,but I feel horrible. I miss him terribly and really want to reach out to him to connect. I know this is selfish because it is just my way to relieving my pain at his expense. So I'm turning to you guys right instead tonight. Any encouragement would be appreciated.
dcplayback 02/11/2013 23:22

slaveofjesus923 02/22/2013 05:19
I hope you held strong and turned to God for your relief, if not just another learning experience.
Tom B 02/22/2013 15:32
Sweetpea 03/05/2013 10:20
Dear Sister in Christ...reading this I want to share that I'm currently going through the breakup with a man that I dearly love but it seems that he is simply not able to keep moving forward right now with our relationship and this is something that seems to be a pattern with him and I must move forward however hard and difficult the days seem right that said I want to say a few things that will perhaps bring some understanding or encouragement to you. The first time that my boyfriend abandoned the relationship I was devestated but it showed me something about his character...the second time it showed me more...future incidents of the same type of behavior ie: abandonment, just stopped calling for no apparent reason, but for smaller lengths of times continued to paint a clear enough picture for me to understand some of the dynamic occuring of what was happening in his heart and so it was in those dark days of discovery that I was compelled to the foot of the cross with my broken heart and fears and worry... here I learned that I was in idolatry and God very gently showed me however unintentional it was on my part that I was allowing this person to consume me and this was not healthy...I repented, saw the light for what it was and I was healed by God of this consuming. When I came back into relationship with this person I was more whole and able exist in it with more of God but still stay independent to the point of being able to set clearer and healther boundaries for myself was like I was a NEW ME :) The relationship continued and he was also able to see his own patterns and I believe he was attempting to work through some of his fears and issues ok so God is walking with us and we both are learning things about ourselves so fast forward to more months of ups and downs through one more big breakup where I was completely prepared in my heart and mind to remove myself from more heartache with this person and lol once again it was as if the salve of God brought healing, more understanding to the both of us and voila we were back together this time I really thought it was for good and my resolve was...this is a turning point and there can be no turning back again right///wrong lol it seems my dear boyfriend has managed to go underground one more painful time and my heart feels the absence but wisdom tells me that I've loved and learned and now the art of being stedfast in my pursuit of God must reign supreme and so I move ahead each day some days better and easier than others but all of this to say that my longing to be married and at my ripe old age of 50 (cough, cough)my desire to walk with someone must somehow be reconciled to the path of his perfect will...for this season. The term just keep truckin comes to mind but again all of this to say that I have to take long walks by myself now and when I think about him, when I miss him I MUST give this person back to Jesus...daily sometimes hourly lest he become an idol once more. I must continue to bring every thought into captivity. I must declare the light of God's truth over my heart until I can see this banner waving over it like a flag in the wind, I must love myself with tender love and be gentle and kind to myself during this season of the soul, I most importantly TRUST God, I must look to find residue of rejection and abandonment and clean my heart out so that those chains cannot harm my soul. I must declare His word over my soul and heart..I must walk in the pure, holy light of His deep divine love for me today and right now. The tendency or temptation to force my way back into relationship with this person is always coming but each time I'm able to resist I get stronger inside and I grow and then another day passes and each day God gives me new power to overcome. I cannot and will not allow the evil one to slave me into subjection to more abandonment and more rejection...this is not Gods will for me. I must remain singular but not forsaken, crushed but not broken. Get together with friends who will pray and love you and listen to you durng this season until you can fly and be free...your time is coming, refuse to be a slave to your emotions and God will lift you up. I know He is faithful. Blessings.
dcplayback 03/05/2013 14:09
Dear Friends
I so appreciate all your active prayer and responses. It hasn't been easy. We have broken up and now are sort of in a very ambiguous zone. The good news we are both praying and talking more honestly than before. It struck straight to my heart to hear the pain of being 50 and unmarried. I'm turning 49 in less than a month. I am not quite sure how much my desire for this relationship to succeed is my own sense of financial insecurity and sense of failure. Either way I realize that that answer is in prayer. Thank you all for your help. I still need it.
Alison Mary 03/19/2013 14:12
Dear Sister in Christ
I am writing because your prayer request hit into my heart as I too went through the same thing. I however couldn't believe that God would warn me about another Christian the way He did and decided that it was my suspicious side surfacing and not the Lord at all.
What a terrible mistake to make, I didn't listen to the Lord and I still feel heart sore about that. Sister if you think God is warning you will know as there will be NO PEACE with that person. You may want this man in your life but I personally discovered that the flesh is all out to pull you in the wrong direction.
I could go on but really all I wanted to say to you was ' if you think God is telling you something listen'.
I'm not telling you what to do simply sharing an experience. It may be that the relationship is not for now, only God can reveal that to you step by step as you cleave to Him and His guidance.
with much kindness
In Christ
Alison Mary