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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Hi Brian 'n co.
About me and what you all mean to me: I am a man pushing 60 in June. I am a recovered alcoholic by the GRACE OF GOD (HALLELUIAH!!) for over 24 years. I met the Lord when I was 16 yrs old. I have carried on a rebellious, back-slidden life for so may of those years. What a waste. Now though, I would say that I am a recovered Christian.

Daily Audio Bible has helped me so much to CONSISTENTLY read all the sections of the OT and NT read by Brian every doggone day! I have NEVER in all that time in my life consistently read God's word. So you can see that I am a fool of the first magnitude and I'm sure one of the least of all Christians.

Today, I am beginning my daily study with tons of thanksgiving. DAB...Brian and co. I am so grateful for this ministry and what it means to me. by day. I am, for the most part right here with you, Brian, daily now. That is a miracle and God did it!!

The Holy Spirit led me to find you because He knew how desperately I need this ministry. I am a very free spirit who's distracted by stuff so easily. I have an artistic bent. But you guys help keep me on track. I appreciate your daily praying, Brian...I live very quietly in a town of 700 in the higher foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Cali. I am isolated. I haven't found a church body that seems suitable to and for me. So to get down on my knees and push my face into the carpet and pray WITH someone is such a blessing. Brian, I love to pray with you...and whoever might be praying with us at the time. You get me started each day. You lead me and remind me to pray: for my enemies, my friends, the rapacious world we live in, my confused and non-God fearing country (anymore.) my exes and my second wife's kids. and finally my own family. Never consistently but because of your ministry, I'm consistent now, so much so. Soooo, family, if you're at work at DAB and you're wondering if what you do is worth it, IT IS TO ME!!! Keep it up. I have to get things worked out financially, but once I do stabilize, DAB is a tithe target for me. You guys are helping me so much to read and pray, I can't thank the Godhead and you folx enough for it. I love all you bro's and sis's who make this ministry possible and I bless you all right now! A very honest PRAISE THE LORD JESUS, God's son and my patient and graceful Savior. Who, when all else is swept away, is the only being or thing left and Who I love beyond all else. AMEN! ( And to anyone just browsing, DON'T MISS THIS BLESSING!! You've been gently presented with a means by which you can INCREASE YOUR SPIRITUALITY in a wonderful way each day if you pick it up. This is part of a spiritual toolkit...a comfy and amazing one. Thanks for reading all the blather, anyone!!


Todd Fraser 03/22/2013 13:02

Alison Mary 03/23/2013 02:31
Wow Todd That was perfectly passionate, I love to hear testimonies of restoration.
I too am new to DAB and it has helped me also, isn't it so good to hear Brian give Gods Word every day... what commitment.... and to have others to pray for and with.
I had to chose some much needed time alone with Jesus for a while and like you have also been blessed with an amazing view to be able to appreciate the works of His hands.
However its just great to be sitting up early with the Lord and find your introduction, we never have to look far to find something else that lifts our hearts to give thanks and praise to our Lord.
God Bless you Todd.
Todd Fraser 03/23/2013 05:35
Hi there, Mary, my much loved in the Lord, little known sister. Thank you. Yes, I enjoy Brian's delivery too. Ever since childhood, I've loved being read to. As I said, I follow along so I'm not getting just one delivery, I'm getting two and perhaps when I need scripture for whatever reason, it will be more likely to pop up. I don't know but I like to think so, ha ha.
Brian reads God's love letter to us with such obvious conviction and with much needed emphasis. A monotone would surely put me to sleep at that hour so I'm lifted up for certain. I am glad you were/are edified by what I said with a heart uplifted. Also as I said, I wind up praying along with others.
Have a splendid day, Mary
...T (Todd)
Tom B 03/25/2013 11:24
Welcome to this wonderful community Todd!