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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
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Hi Everybody. My purpose is not to start a new topic really. I am new to this community and do not knew how else to join the forum, that's why I am using this link. I must confess that I have been truly blessed by listening to the DAB bible reading every morning and my prayer focus has also been broaden by listening to and taking other people's prayer requests before the Lord. I already sense the love and bonding through Jesus Christ that this community share. I pray that the Lord will continue to sustain this good work and richly bless every member as we look forward to the new year in Jesus name.

I am trying to order the Christmas box, but i've not been able to because I only need one and it keeps putting the price of 2. Does it then mean we can only order for minimum of 2? Hope someone will be able to help me out. I can only buy one if this possible.
Bukinuga 11/29/2013 10:25

Tom B 11/30/2013 08:35
Welcome to the community. It has been a great experience for me.
I can't help with the store unfortunately. I ordered two boxes of cards, but that was my intention. I think you can order 1, but I may be wrong.

Bukinuga 11/30/2013 13:21
Hi Tom B. Thanks for your response. I just ordered the box. God bless you.