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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You

my name is Sarah and I am from Toronto. i just found the DAB last week and I love it. there is so much love in this family. i look forward to getting to know you.

god bless, I am praying for you all

sarah evans 05/29/2014 07:00

Bryan Mills 06/05/2014 05:17
Hey Sarah, welcome to the family. I've just started listening this week. I agree about all the love. I'm often surprised to find myself holding back tears just listening to the encouragements and prayers that are shared among DABbers. I also love that while we all come from different backgrounds of faith, the Word of God is our common ground and the source of our familial love.
sarah evans 06/06/2014 06:43
Hey Bryan

Nice to meet you. Yes, it is very beautiful how God's people take care of and encourage each other. I really like the Daily Audio Bible.

God bless you. Have a great day.

Cassie 06/13/2014 21:46
Hi all, I have found this site through searching for some Bible podcasts. I am absolutely thrilled with the DAB. It is so easy to follow Brian's reading the scriptures and he is so easy to understand, what a blessing!. I have been ill with cfs for 14 years and still bed-bound most of the time. When I got too sick to read I bought a series of Bible on CD, only to find they are read too fast and I couldn't keep up. So praise God for you Brian and the DAB podcasts, thank you.
Cassie 06/13/2014 21:50
Hi Sarah, I am sorry I have got muddled up, but Isn't this a wonderful site where everyone can connect with others that have a love for God. God Bless