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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Hi all,
Hi all, I have found this site through searching for some Bible podcasts. I am absolutely thrilled with the DAB. It is so easy to follow Brian's reading the scriptures and he is so easy to understand, what a blessing!. I have been ill with cfs for 14 years and still bed-bound most of the time. When I got too sick to read I bought a series of Bible on CD, only to find they are read too fast and I couldn't keep up. So praise God for you Brian and the DAB podcasts, thank you.
Cassie 06/13/2014 21:51

Jackie 06/29/2014 21:51
Hi Cassie
I just posted a bit about myself and clicked on your post. Forgive my ignorance I do not know what cfs is but any illness or medical condition that keeps one bed ridden for such an extended period of time must be well too much for me to comprehend. Please if you feel comfortable writing back to me and tell me more about yourself I would like that. I also found this new way of me re connecting to other Christians and most important our heavenly Father just going through various pod casts. God is working and I hope to hear from you when you are able. Through his Love, Jackie