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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Sorta Newbie
I am a newbie, kinda. This past year has been one of the toughest of my life. I started listening to Brian and the DAB in late Spring after I had been alienated from my family, somewhat betrayed by a friend, lost two friends to suicide and drowning, and had a breakup with my girlfriend. In addition, my new boss was gunning for me and another coworker. I listened daily during that time. The biggest help was to hear Brian say "I love you" at the end of every podcast. It was really nice to hear those words. Things got better for awhile and I drifted away from DAB, but I am back after reading Passages. I have lost my job, but what I have gained in coming back to God is well worth it. I never want to leave. I appreciate all your prayers and look forward to becoming part of this community!
Scott 12/27/2014 01:09