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Daily Transcripts
1 Chronicles 19:1-21:30 ~ Romans 2:25-3:8 ~ Psalm 11:1-7 ~ Proverbs 19:10-12

Today is the 15th of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It's good to be here with you today. It's a travel day, a long travel day. I should be arriving late, late tonight in Minnesota, so looking forward to that, but before all of that, we have this great opportunity to center ourselves, take a deep breath, exhale, drink in the beauty around us and focus our attention on the scriptures for the day. We’re reading from the New International Version today.


Father, you are true. You are good. Once again, through your Holy Word you are showing us that this is what we are invited into – that we, too, can be true. We are made in your image and you have invited us to be your children and offered us the gift of your Holy Spirit to dwell within us, continuing the work of sanctification, of transforming us from the inside out into your likeness so we are like Jesus, our Savior. We’re challenged in this again – it is not how good we can make ourselves look, it is what is truly within our hearts that is truly who we are. So we invite you into this place because the reality is no matter how good we can make ourselves look, there is only one way to be true, and that’s you. So we invite you fully, we grant you full and unimpeded access to who we are, everything! Body, mind, soul, will, spirit, eternity, past, present, future for all time. Come, Holy Spirit, we cannot navigate this on our own and it is a mess when we try. We need you. Come Holy Spirit as you promised and lead us into all truth. We ask this, expectantly, in the name of Jesus, amen. is home, home base. Its home wherever you are. You can always find home at Find out what people are praying about, what’s going on around here, what’s on the itinerary. Daily Audio Bible Shop is there. So check it out.

So hopefully you’re packed. I don’t know if you’re getting tired of traveling around yet. You may not have known that you were being dragged around. I guess, I try to in my mind, mentally put you in my suitcase so that I don’t have to travel alone. And I got to travel today. So wherever you are, we’re going to Minnesota. It should be fun up there in the Norwegian North – the great land of many lakes. And we’ll be up there for a few days at the Sonshine Festival. So if you are already there and are attending the Sonshine Festival, looking forward to seeing you. Thank you for your continued prayers over health and stamina and safety, as we move into this, the 4th of five summer festivals. And it’s been awesome and it’s been – well, just kind of getting back into that road rhythm. But I have been looking forward to Minnesota, so this
will be fun, and we’ll have a good time together – virtually or in person. And thank you for your continued prayers.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in keeping it moving forward and even existing at all; we’ve always done this as a family affair. This has always been something – well, I used to say this, I haven’t said it in a long time – it’s this thing that grew up out of the dust of the Internet and became a family. And it’s been a beautiful thing and we’ve done what we’ve done together. So here in these summer months I thank you profoundly for your partnership. There’s a link on the home page of, upper right-hand corner. If you click that, you can partner there. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942 – 4253 is the number to call.

That’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Regis calling from Iraq. I’m calling for two reasons. I want to first of all pray for our brother who called from Beijing, China. We thank God for that, we are so grateful that the Lord is reaching China. And I pray the Lord shall protect your people who are praying in Beijing, protect the pastors who are elders and prayers and those who are under house arrest. Father, we pray for their release. We pray, Almighty Father, as they are organizing a football game in order to play together, Father, we pray that it shall be successful. And you should gather many to come to you in Beijing, China. We also pray for the house that they purchased, Almighty God, for the church. We pray that God shall allow them to use it for your purpose and for your glory. We thank you, Almighty God, and we pray that their lives will be valued and they shall not perish, in Jesus’ mighty name. Father, I also pray for our brother who lost his father who is the __________. We pray for comfort, we pray for strength, we pray that, God, you shall see him through and you shall give him the assurance that his father is now with you, he’s safe and sound. Father, we thank you and we honor you. I also pray, King of Glory, for all the people who are sending prayer requests and asking for our prayers. Mighty God, you are the God who answers their need. We pray, Oh King of Glory, that you shall meet them at the point of their need. We honor and glorify your Holy Name. Bye-bye Daily Audio Bible family. This is Regis calling from Iraq. I love you, bye.

Hello and good morning, DAB family! This is Jay from New Jersey and my super awesome, lovely, wonderful, amazing wife. [Jay’s wife says] Hello! [Jay continues] So I made this call today to share with all of the marriages out there. You know something, I may sound like an awesome, friendly, amazing and happy, super go-lucky guy all the time, but that’s not reality. Reality is I’m a man, a married man and hopefully we can keep this between me and my DAB family, but I’m not always right. I’m wrong a lot and I’m not perfect. But there’s one thing that has changed me and my marriage forever and that is the Word of God. Every day me and my wife, we listen to the Daily Audio Bible either together or separately. And it brings us together in a way that nothing else can duplicate. So now we take this moment and we pray for all the families out there and marriages. Mighty God, creator of heaven and earth and everything in between, we thank you for the Daily Audio Bible and its effect on my marriage and the possibility that it possesses to help the marriages around the world. Father, I pray that couples around the world will feel the impact of the Word of God as Brian reads and the messages that he gives us after the Word of God is read. Father, we thank you now for this opportunity to love you and to feel your love. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Daily Audio Bible family, if you are a married man or woman, bring this Word into your marriage and it will change your life. God bless you, love you. [Jay’s wife says] Bye!

Hi family, this is Biola from Maryland. I hope you all are doing well. Brian and Jill, God bless you. Jill, I trust that you’re way better now and that you’ve been fully healed, praising God for your healing. Richard from Mississippi, praying that God will touch your heart and heal you completely from your mom’s verbal abuse. I pray that you will find your sense of security and self-worth in our Lord. That you will learn to set boundaries with your mom so that you can reject every form of abuse from her, in Jesus’ name. I pray that God will envelope you, brother, with his peace as he heals you in the name of Jesus! That God will touch your mom and draw her to him, in Jesus’ name. And that you will forgive her and everything she’s done in her ignorance and that you will forgive her, poor brother, in the name of Jesus. Carla from Colorado, God bless you. I’m praying for complete deliverance for Zachary, that God will touch his heart and help him to fully surrender himself to Him. That God will heal Zachary and bring him peace, in the name of Jesus. And bring him into a place of rest with Him and I bind every demon harassing Zachary right now, in the name of Jesus and I set him free through the power in the name of Jesus. Brian from Costa Mesa, brother I’m praying that God will open your nephew, Adam’s eyes so that he can realize he needs to walk pure and holy before the Lord. And I pray that he will know he cannot do the work of the Holy Spirit while in his girlfriend’s life, that God will make him realize that. I pray that God will convict Adam and place in him a strong desire to serve God and to focus on His will for his life, in the name of Jesus. Walta, Walta, I’m rejoicing with you for that testimony. Thank God that your son is with you. I pray that God will continue to show Himself strong on your behalf and your family’s behalf. Nettie, Jan from Maryland and Francis, shout out to you all. May God bless you and your families and grant you your heart’s desires according to His will in Jesus’ name. Also shout out to Actress Victoria M. on getting 1st place in your singing competition. Girl, go! May God continue to use your talent for his glory, rejoicing with you and join Gene of Bradenton, Florida…

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Naylor from Pennsylvania. I have an urgent prayer request for a sister from church and would really appreciate everyone joining me in praying for her healing by the Lord. Her name is Pat. Just found out yesterday that Pat is in the ICU at the local hospital. Though I went to visit her yesterday, I didn’t know what happened to her. I found out today that her doctor said they thought she had a stroke, but now they don’t know what’s going on with her. All they know is that her brain is not working and they’re trying to figure out why. She was just fine last week; so whatever is going on with her happened very suddenly and unexpectedly. It’s interesting because when I told my wife about Pat’s condition, she said when she dropped her off at home last Sunday after church, she had a strong and serious impression that made her think “What if something happens to Pat this week and I don’t see her again?” We believe the Lord was giving her a foreshadowing of what was to come. And though the situation seems hopeless, we are trusting the Lord and praying that he will show his mercy to Pat and heal her. So please join me in praying for her restoration to good health and that the Lord will be glorified through this difficult situation. We know it’s not difficult for the Lord. Thank you very much, family. May the Lord richly bless you and make his face shine upon you.

I had a lot of problems, but my worries now are few. Because everything that bothered me, I gave, dear Lord, to you. Dark clouds still surround me, but now I have no fear. I know that in the midst of storm, your love is always near. Teach me, Lord, your words to speak. Please carry me when I get weak. My debts are high, my assets few, but all the earth belongs to you. I don’t despair when I’m pressed down. I’m often sad but rarely frown. You help me go the extra mile. I need you, Abba Father, I’m your child. Every day my faith increases, even though my life’s in pieces. I begin each day in eager expectation, but with the peace you give me, there’s very little frustration. Cleanse me, Lord, in every way, help me walk right day by day. Help me Lord to stay the course. I serve you, Abba Father, with no remorse. Officer Joe, it’s so good to hear your voice back where it belongs. I can see clearly what was missing. It’s good to have you back again. Delta Alpha Foxtrot, where are you, brother? What’s happening on the western front? Check in. Let me hear your voice one more time. And Tony and AJ – and Tony when you’re calling, give us an AJ report. Thank you, brother. Brian and Jill, love you. Oh, my surgery went good. They said the corneal edema is still … they gave me some new drops to try. Hopefully, they don’t have to take out the brown part of my eye. But anyway, we’re going to see what happens in a couple of months, trying these new drops. And my sister’s surgery was successful, but she had a drop in …

Hi DAB family and friends. This is Richard from Mississippi. I wanted to call and give you a report on my trip to my mother’s. Me and my son went up there and my mom was very cordial and (what’s the word?) pleasant to be around. I just want to praise God for this because me and my mom have a rocky relationship and now we’re actually able to talk. And she’s still little ornery, but I think sometimes moms can get like that. So thank you, thank you, thank you for praying. And there will be more prayer requests along the way, from this trip.

Tamarie 07/15/2015 23:51