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Daily Transcripts
2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34 ~ Romans 9:25-10:13 ~ Psalm 20:1-9 ~ Proverbs 20:2-3
Today is the 26th day of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we begin to unpack and unfold a brand new shiny week that is just waiting to be lived, lived in community and lived in communion with God. So we'll read from The Message this week, continuing forward in 2 Chronicles.


Father, thank you for your Word and for this new week to spend with your Word, orienting our hearts to you. Father, thank you for this week to spend with you. The scriptures orient us to you so that we can be in relationship with you, and so everything that we do and say and think, all of the thoughts and the intents of our hearts, all of our secret motives, all of our ambitions, everything about us, we invite you into that, all of that. We invite you into every moment of this week, not a moment will go by where you aren’t invited. We want you here with us in all of it. So come, Jesus, we pray into this new week, by the power of your Holy Spirit continue the work that you've begun in us, the work that changes us and sets us apart as holy in you. We ask this in your name and by your authority, amen.

Announcements: is the website and it’s where we find out what's going on around here and we've been doing this Global Bible Read beta test and have learned a ton and we really want to finish off the book of John. There’s some verses left, would love for you to get involved, but as promised, since I was being such a tease the other day with how cool this is, we've got a video up (not posting this to social media and asking you not to either. We're just testing right now, etc., but you can go see what I’m talking about if you just go to and you'll see it there. And I'm working in a couple of chapters just so you can see what I’m talking about. (This is crazy!) Not only is it fascinating to see into the little windows of the worlds of the lives of our friends and family, like who we are, but it’s an unbelievable representation of the body of Christ and just a profoundly interesting way to experience the scriptures. So for sure, check that out – and then go to and contribute your verse. So far we've had 22 countries involved in this which just blows my mind, I mean, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Cotter (Australia), Canada, Jamaica, Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, Holland, Iraq, Nigeria, Switzerland, Ireland, India, Sri Lanka, Spain, Sweden, and the United States. So if you are out there internationally, especially because we're testing just how that will all work internationally in stability, but it doesn't matter if you're in the United States or wherever, just go to and contribute your verse so we can finish up getting the entire book of John.

Okay, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. It is not only how we keep the lights on and the servers running and blasting out the spoken Word of God all over the world all of the time, it’s how we're able to dream of ways like this that further exactly that - helping people to experience the scriptures because the scriptures are the Word of God and when the scriptures are read, God is speaking. So, thank you for your partnership. There's a link on the home page of or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that's it for today. Be sure the check that video that I told you,

That's it for today. I'm Brian. I love you. I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:

Hi fellow Dabbers, this is Joe the Police Officer from Georgia here. It’s July 21st, at 12:42 a.m. Just calling in the rest of July 19th community prayers. Rowdy in Phoenix, hey brother, we just __________ and gather around you right now and rebuke this thought of your faith in Jesus Christ being shaken and/or possibly lost. We demand that the evil spirits that are motivating other people around you to be uprooted and cast back into the pit of hell where they belong. Rowdy, just stand firm and believe in the faith that you have in Jesus Christ. For what he has already done for you and then more will come. Will from Northern Virginia, we just lift up with you your wife Jay in her struggles and issues that __________ into her career. I completely know and understand how she feels as I'm battling that in the career that I’m in. However, my pastor just preached a sermon yesterday that focused on a portion of us all being workaholics and identity-holics. We all work too much and try too hard at making identity for ourselves, when our actual identity is in Christ. And if we present and represent that, then God will fill in what he calls ‘our void’ in life. So Dabbers, I'm wanting to preach this as well. I call in. My identity is ‘Joe the Police Officer from Georgia. So from now on, I'm going to be, for right now, I’m going to be praying what God wants me to be called instead of ‘Joe the Police Officer.’ I've heard other names like 'Slave of Jesus' for example, and 'Forgiven' and all those. So just pray with me in that. Thank you, fellow Dabbers. Love you all. Bye.

Hi, I'm a burning bush that will not be consumed for the glory of our God. Hi DAB family, this is Walta. Kathy from Southern California, I'm praying with you for your autistic grandson, Ethan. And I believe that the God of yesterday is the God of today and he can heal Ethan. So I'm praying right now that God will just sustain him. That his angels will be sent out to just cover that child, in the name of Jesus, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. And God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, boldness and of a sound mind and so we speak that over Ethan, right now, in Jesus’ name. We thank God for doing that and just for working a miracle in that family, in Jesus’ name. I'm also praying for the kid Avery who is on marijuana and other drugs. No parent wants to hear that, no parent wants to be in that situation and it’s so hard not to blame yourself. I shockingly found myself in a similar situation, but I believe that God chastise those whom he loves. So if he has brought that to the forefront, he is going to heal that child. And so we pray for everybody struggling with kids right now who are addicted to some substance. And Holy Father, we believe that you have placed us in their lives for a reason. Please, Lord, change our hearts and our minds so we can be used by you to bring these kids back to you. Lord, I pray you give us wisdom and discernment in dealing with that, in Jesus’ name. Randall, I pray for your mother's salvation and your father-in-law’s memory loss. I pray for his healing. Aliyah, we love you, love to hear your voice. Thank you for sharing that God is no matter what. That has actually taken me through my day today. I love you guys. Biola, I'm still praying for you. I don't know why, but I'm praying for you strongly. Just be strong and I love you. Waiting to hear from you soon. Love you, Blind Tony. Love you guys. Hi Pastor Gene.

Good morning family. This is Andrew from the Bay Area, Drew to all my friends that have known me for a long time. I'm still technically unemployed, driving a little bit for Uber. I'm busy, but the reason I called was to commend Officer Joe for calling in. And Sir, thank you for reporting for duty. We love you and don't feel bad, we are not judging you. The Lord has given us righteous judgment to judge the way he does and we all fall short. And it is so great to see you come back and call in and say prayers for all of us. And I'm praying for you and Nikki, as always. But keep in mind, Sir, that what you're doing now is probably more important than what you've done for the last 4 decades. That every day that your feet hit the floor, Officer Joe, that the enemy trembles because you're a child of the King, an heir to the Kingdom willing to speak out. And I don’t like to call in (believe it or not) and I don't enjoy hearing my own voice, but I do feel compelled by the Holy Spirit to call in. It’s very hard for me right now. I feel like I’ve lost a lot, but I’ve gained so much and I know that right now these days are the most important days of my life, what I’m doing for my friend Helen and her family. I’m praying for others and all of you. And I thank you for all of your prayers. The deeper the darkness, the brighter the light is when you find it, so remember there's always light. Look up to God. Love God and love others. Officer Joe, keep on going, man. We love you, bye.

Hello Daily Audio Bible friends. This is Aliyah from Waxahachie. I have some news for you guys, actually a praise report. My best friend, Christian U., when I was talking to her yesterday, she asked me about praying and how I pray and how long I pray because she told me that she was going to start doing it too. And so I told her, you know, about it. And I told her that it’s not about just asking God for stuff, but a relationship and having a connection. I've been praying for my friend’s salvation for a long time. And I need you guys to help to keep praying for her, because I don't want her to go to hell because I love her too much for that. Anyway, love you guys and God is good. He is most certainly good. Bye-bye.

Hi DAB family, this is Rula from Sidney Australia. The last time I called was late last year asking for prayers for little Daniel. Thank you for all those prayers I received. Daniel went to be with the Lord at the end of last year. It’s been hard for his family and I ask for your continued prayers for strength and faith for his family during this difficult time. Family, the reason for my call today is I’m asking for your prayers for a job interview I have coming up this Friday. It’s an interview at my current employer and it’s for a pay rise of sorts. I’m lacking confidence, focus and belief in my experience and my abilities and I'm trying, I’m not sure if I’m trying hard enough, but I am trying to dig deep and find confidence inside me. I've previously have been unsuccessful at getting this job and I’m going for it again. I'm not sure if much has changed, but I am praying that God is present with me at this interview. I give glory to him that should I be unsuccessful, again, that I should take from the experience and learn and move forward and find what it is I’m talented at and what it is I’m meant to be doing in this life. And if I am successful, to grow in confidence in the Lord and know that I am capable and not lacking anything and being successful at this job. So family, I ask you for your prayers just to have strength and courage, knowing that the Lord is with me. If God is with me then who can be against me? Thank you, family, for your prayers and God bless you all, in Jesus' name, amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible, my name is Heather from Northern California and I’m a first-time caller. I’ve been listening since January and saying that I’ve been blessed by this ministry is an understatement. It was suggested to me at a time of my life when needing to be a part of family like this community could only have been the work of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Brian and Jill, for your faithfulness, commitment, and dedication of this work. It’s obvious the fruit of this ministry has been such a blessing to me. I've been praying for the courage to make this call for a while now, and with the suggestion of my husband, to write it down, I’ll simply read it aloud so I don't lose track. I’m calling today for prayer for my family and specifically my 23-year-old daughter. She was raped in her sophomore year of college by a student there. Although I don't want to get into all the specific details - when she finally told me after 3 months, and I learned of this boy's status at the school, it’s a small Christian college and he was on a scholarship for a pastoral major - I encouraged her to tell the administration. The school then proceeded to rape her all over again by their interrogation, questioning of her purity, and even put her in the same class with this boy the following semester. After about much research on her part, it turns out they too victimized her by not following the very clear guidelines for this type of situation. My prayer is for an upcoming mediation hearing she has scheduled this coming Monday, the 27th, with her attorney and the school. She’s out of state, and although I plan to be there with her, I will not be able to sit alongside her during the process. I don’t know exactly what to pray for other than outcome. I only know I admire her courage and desire to assure this sort of thing doesn't happen to the next young woman who courageously steps out. As a mom, I certainly would like it to just all be over so the healing can continue and in so many ways just begin. Please join me too in praying for her strength, emotional and physical healing. I would also ask that you pray for me as I bury the entire situation for the last 2 years and it has been all I can do to encourage and support her through it.

Tamarie 07/26/2015 22:55