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Daily Transcripts
Job 31:1-33:33 ~ 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 ~ Psalm 43:1-5 ~ Proverbs 22:8-9
Today is the 29th of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is my pleasure and honor to be here with you today as we reach the conclusion of another one of our weeks together and finish strong and prepare well for what is in front of us. We’re working our way through the book of Job and we’ve been reading from the New Living Translation this week.


Paul is continuing to unpack what reality looks like for a believer as he writes to the Corinthian church and you begin to see when there is a juxtaposition between the old covenant and the new covenant, something that we’ve become familiar with now 2000 years later so that it is kind of a normal speech to us. If you zoom back and understand this was a new thought, you begin to see just how radical it would have been for a Jewish person, especially a devout Jewish person to buy into this message and then you begin to see how Jesus ended up in trouble. Although Jesus wasn’t trying to form doctrine and theological statements, we begin to see that he was tipping everything upside down. He was saying the way that you’ve reformed over the years what this covenant with God looks like is not how it works.

A little later we get into Paul who was a devout and educated Jewish person who was on the inside of all of this as a Pharisee. He is unpacking this theologically. It is pretty radical because he is saying what was has come to its natural conclusion and God has done something new and this new thing replaces the old thing. So just to put that in perspective, if some very educated, charismatic-type person came and said, “There is a brand new way. God is doing something new and it is brand new and it sets aside what was old,” we would have a hard time buying into that, depending on what it was. For these people, they had to believe that God, the Infinite Almighty Being actually did condescend himself and enter, incarnate himself into a body so that he looked like a human being and was a human being and that he did a ministry and spoke from his own voice into humanity and then was killed but came back to life, proving that he was who he claimed to be. That would be a big bridge to cross for them, for their faith was in the Mosaic tradition and in the Mosaic Law. They felt like that was the fence, that was the box, those were the parameters they had to stay in if they ever hoped to have any kind of interaction, any type of collective relationship with God and that relationship was based on a covenant. It was based on terms. They had to live up to those terms. Their history showed them that they had been unable to live up to those terms, so they thought God had abandoned them. They thought they had to stay within those terms in order to have any kind of relational interaction with God.

Paul comes along preaching the message of Jesus, saying that is not how it works anymore at all. That veil has been eliminated. The law was good and a glorious thing, but the law was something we couldn’t live up to on our own, in our strength, in our own terms as individuals or as a society. God has come and fulfilled that law on our behalf. He has done something that we could never do.

So that is taken care of now and the veil has been removed, this chasm between God and man is no more. We can actually enter into a first-person relationship with God now. We can actually get to know him now for ourselves. We can actually be friends with him now. Or speaking the words of Paul directly, “Whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away, for the Lord is the Spirit and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” So all of us who have had that veiled removed, in other words, all of we who have had the veil removed by believing in Christ, we can see and we can reflect the glory of the Lord like Moses did, but we don’t need to put a veil over it. The Lord who is the Spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.

So Paul is describing this radical reality that now we can kind of blow by and go, ‘yeah, I’ve heard that before.’ But if we stop and slow down and put it in context, we realize not only is it amazing thought, but it describes what is going on in us as we move through life in an intimate, collaborative, holistically integrated relationship with God, a friendship, an actual relationship, not something we talk about, but something that we actually participate in, which is the great reframe, the thing we’ve been talking about all year – tipping this whole thing on its side and looking at it differently. We’ve been trying to figure it out our whole lives when it has been right in front of us all along. We are being changed into the glorious image of God. This is happening because we are in relationship with God. The more time you spend with someone, the more you know that person, the less you need the rules about that person because you know that person and all the rules become apparent in the relationship. We are here to reflect the glory of the Lord. May we live our lives without the veil. It is unnecessary anymore.


Father, we can process that intellectually or theologically and we just as soon make it a theological statement or a doctrine describing something that we aspire to but not something we actually live, something we’re trying to get to, but have settled for less because in our own strength we can’t get there. And yet that is the way that it works. We are empowered by your Spirit and your Spirit alone and so we invite your Holy Spirit to fall upon us, to come within us. We declare once again we open ourselves, our hearts to you fully and completely. Bring your freedom. Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. What we’re inviting is that your Spirit is within us and we’re inviting that fully and completely. Come Holy Spirit. Change us into your glorious image that we may reflect your glory through our lives into this world. Come Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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And, of course, as always, we are a family, a community. If you are carrying around some things that you should probably not be carrying alone, you can always reach out.
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And that is all for today. I love you. I’m Brian. I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hey beloved DAB family. This is Art calling out from Winnipeg, August 26, 2015. James, teacher in LA, I'm praying for you and all the teachers out there as school is starting up again. You're such a huge role model to our youth. Bless you and your most important work. Brother James, on August 15th in the Community Prayer in the last 5 minutes, you spoke into me about the role of a father, the importance of raising them to adulthood and being there for them. You mentioned the men are the image of God to their children. Wow! What a sobering thought. I’ve never pictured myself that way. Gosh, how important a role it is to be a parent, a father. I pray wisdom to all the DAB men as role models to our families. As a brother, as an uncle, as a father, as a husband, as a boyfriend, may we all realize we are an image of God to those around us and may our actions be guided by this. When James said this, it reminded me of the day my wife announced our pregnancy. Okay, her pregnancy. I was scared. I wasn’t ready to be a dad. I felt a very heavy weight of responsibility on my shoulders. We had so many plans. This would slow us down. I wanted to be financially set and prepared before bringing a kid into the world. Well, it didn’t matter. When God calls us to be a parent, we simply must step up to the task. In that end it was the start of the best thing in life for us and we followed through with 2 more children, so I would like to pray for all the expectant fathers out there, especially you first-timers. Take heart. Be strong in your walk with God. He will guide you. Be real men. Be vulnerable. Be honest. Be close to your child. Love them dearly, even when they wake you up in the middle of the night which teenagers and young adults do. If God has taken care of you, he most certainly will take care of them. Bless you, brothers, uncles, dads, husbands and boyfriends. Bless you.

Hi friends. This is Antalya Sophia calling in from Washington State. I'm calling in with a prayer request. I don’t know if my last message got played, but the news is that I have been accepted into YWAM, their DTS or Discipleship Training School and we’ll be headed off in January. However, they have approached me and asked if I would like to do my schooling and missions in the Middle East. So Antalya Sophia may be going back to Turkey. I would just love your prayers. I'm pretty sure that is going to be the decision that I make. However, there are so many physical barriers still with my health. It just seems like day by day... I'm 27 this week and I should be at the peak of my health, but I'm just declining and there are just so many questions about chronic illness that I may or may not have, but I'm not going to let that come in the way of what I feel the Lord is calling me to. But I just want to have that confirmation and surety that I'm making the right decision and not trying to be __________ about this. I do feel my heart is being pulled back to that country, so I may be going there very shortly. I also want to say a shout-out to John. Thank you so much for mentioning me. That really encouraged me and made my day. I also, too, want to let you all know that I'm listening to all the prayers and I'm praying for you. I'm continuing to pray for Alex. I just am so blessed by Blind Tony's poems and the words of wisdom that people call in and leave and just the ministry the Hardins have created here and they continue just to bless us with, so thank you all. I love you. I covet your prayers and I will be talking to you soon. Have a great day everyone. Bye-bye.

This is Bobbie from Louisiana. I'm a first-time caller. I’ve been listening since January and I just wanted to call and let the lady in Virginia, the massage therapist whose daughter has left and moved in with a boy, I just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one out there who is dealing with this. Last year we had to deal with the same thing. Our daughter left. There is hope. It does get better. God will be with you. I encourage you to go back and listen to the podcast from March 17th. Brian did a good commentary about wayward children in relationship to the story of Jesus being left in Jerusalem, so I encourage you to go back and listen to that podcast. It really helped me and I'm praying for you. Be blessed.

Good afternoon Daily Audio Bible listeners. This is Regina from South Florida. It is Wednesday, August 26th. I pray for all of you, for so many requests for medical issues. We ourselves are dealing with one in our family and we pray for God's intervention and healing for everyone. I ask you to join me in praying for one of our family’s patriarchs, __________, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Yesterday they tried to put in a stent to relieve some buildup in his liver, but it wasn't successful and the cancer has spread so much that they were unable to insert it. They told us yesterday that he may only have days or weeks left. They were going to try again today to put in the stent and they are doing the procedure later this afternoon. I know by the time you hear this it will be after the operation, but I pray that God will guide the doctor's hands, that it would be successful this time or that they will at least be able to provide him some relief so that he’ll be comfortable. Please also pray for Jaz __________ who is also dealing with some medical issues. The doctors weren’t able to pinpoint what is wrong and provide her with medicines or…

Hello everyone and good morning. This is Jay calling from New Jersey. Good morning. God bless you. How are you? God be with all of you. Calling for Joe the Protector, God bless you, brother. Thank you so much for calling in and praying for everyone. Liberian Walta, God bless you. Thank you so much for calling in and being vulnerable and sharing your issue, your situation with everyone. Alleah, thank you so much for your description of the Hashtag Reframe message. I hadn’t had the chance to listen to it yet, but after I heard your description of the Hashtag Reframe message, I had no choice but to go to it and listen to it right then and there. So thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it. Biola from Maryland, I haven’t heard from you in what seems like ages. Please call in. Please call in. Please call in. Blind Tony, brother, you obviously have a gift from God with these poems that you're writing because every time you write them, they never disappoint me. They are always on point and they are always pointing in the direction of God, so thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it. Brother Steve, my brother, my father in Christ, my mentor, my teacher, thank you so much for introducing me to the Daily Audio Bible family. That is my buddy Steve from New Jersey. I work with him and a couple of years ago he introduced me to the Daily Audio Bible. It took me a little while to get onboard, but once I stated listening and once I started listening to it faithfully, I can’t stop. Brian and Jill, thank you for providing this opportunity to minister to people around the world. Oh, and Reggie from Iraq, God bless you, brother. Man! Wow! What an inspiration. I'm praying for you, too. God bless you, everyone. Have a great day.

Hi DAB family. This is Janet in Tennessee. I just wanted to call and ask for prayer for my sister and I also wanted to let Walta know that I'm praying for you, too, and asking my sister to pray for you. It just seems so odd that you both are dealing with the same issues. She has been trying for almost 6 months, I believe, trying to get her husband from Turkey over to the United States and wow! All the paperwork and hoops that you have to go through, it's just unbelievable. And also she has been dealing with car issues and I just heard your prayer for a vehicle. She is trying to get back and forth to work and it is just very, very stressful for her. Her name is Jeannie and I would appreciate it if you all would pray for her. I also wanted to let you all know that I am praying for each and every one of you. There was one lady that called up that she was crying. I didn’t even catch her name, but you just broke my heart. Your daughter left. She is with somebody that you know is not good for her and my heart broke because I did that when I was 17 years old. I moved out of the house, left a note on my pillow. Broke my parents’ hearts and I was just in a place of selfishness and just wanted to do my own thing. I just want you to know that I'm praying for you and I believe the Lord will bring your daughter back. Just please leave the door open. Let her know she can come back. Pride does an awful number on us to make us stay in situations that we don’t want to be in. Anyway, I love you all. Have a great day. Bye-bye.

Tamarie 08/29/2015 10:03