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Daily Transcripts
Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14 ~ 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 ~ Psalm 49:1-20 ~ Proverbs 22:20-21
Today is the 4th of September. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is great to be here with you today, a lovely day here in the rolling hills of Tennessee and trusting all is well wherever it is that my voice is coming to you at. So glad to be together for another step forward as we make our way on the grand adventure through the scriptures this year. So we’ve been working our way into the book of Ecclesiastes which is essentially the look through the eyes of a man who has had it all and done it all and has gotten a little later in life and is looking back through his regrets, through his falling away from God and processing life. It's raw and it’s beautiful and we’ll take a step forward today.


Father, thank you for another week, another week that just goes by ,just like the scriptures say, a vapor. Sometimes it seems that way and yet when we retrace our steps and we consider what you are speaking to us through your word and by the power of your Holy Spirit, we see that you are involved in everything we allow you to be involved in. And we also see, very clearly, the places that we’ve shunned you or locked you out and yet you keep coming, you keep coming at us through your word. You keep coming at us by the power of your Holy Spirit. Your penetrating driving love is something we can’t escape and we don’t want to. We want to be in the thick of it, in the center of it, surrounded by it, protected by it. And so we thank you for the gift of your word that continually leads us back to your heart. We thank you for this week and we release this week to you and long and look forward with great anticipation to everything that you have for us in the coming week. Come Jesus we pray, in your name we ask, Amen.

Announcement is home base. It is the website. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here. And there’s plenty, plenty going on around here. I’m looking at the calendar and seeing that it won’t be long before I’m out on the road a bit talking about reframing our lives, reframing God in the relationship that exists between us. And next up on the calendar is the 27th, so that’s 3 weeks (1, 2, 3, I’m looking at a calendar), a little over 3 weeks; and I will be in Fort Smith, Arkansas, at First Presbyterian Church. And I’m looking forward to that because that has been on the calendar for a very long time. I was in this really bad car accident over a year ago, almost a year and a half ago now, and I was on my way to the airport to fly to Fort Smith, Arkansas, to be at First Presbyterian Church, and so I am looking forward to finishing that long piece of a journey that got interrupted and excited to bring the Reframe message to Fort Smith. So if you’re in the area, love to see you. The website for the church is I’m sure you can go there and contact them for more information.

We’ve also been spending a little bit of time talking about, of course, Reframe that is coming in less than a month; and Promised Land: The Essential Pilgrim’s Edition that we released this week to a lot of fanfare. And, I mean, I couldn’t be more proud of our team and couldn’t be more satisfied with what we’ve been able to do with Promised Land – to truly document the land of the Bible in such a way that it’s a 360 degree view, seen in ways that have never, ever, ever been seen before. To bring the land of the Bible closer, whether you’ve been there or not, to bring it in close in ways that we can experience it and connect the dots, like from our imagination to reality, like this story happened right here. So really pleased with Promised Land and really excited to make that resource available.

What we’ve tried to do since we’re talking about Promised Land and Reframe and because we kind of have a motto here which is to try to give more than we ever received; try to be that kind of community and to try to be those kinds of people, we’ve worked to say ‘Hey Reframe is coming.’ You know that by now. I’ve talked about it a lot. I’m pounding and talking about it repeatedly because I believe in it, with all my heart I believe in the words that are in that book and I believe that the more people that can encounter that, the more people will find a freedom and an exhale. So trying and navigate and figure out what this is to be in a relationship with God. What does that mean? I believe in that.

So yeah, it’s pre-order for a couple of weeks and its $11.00 to buy the book. But what we’ve tried to do is go like, ‘how can we offset this?’ Like since it is what it is, how can we give away more than that? Somebody spends $11.00 on this book, isn’t it just enough that maybe their whole life will change? Maybe. But I know how our culture works and I know how I am. And so what we’re offering this month is my first book which is called ‘Passage;’ which is a book I really do believe in. It really explains the why of being in this rhythm of the scriptures every day. If you pre-order Reframe, we’ll give the audiobook of Passages to you instantly. I mean you’ll get it as a download, instantly. We’re also offering a voucher, you get it right in your email, just for you and when you order Promised Land, you’ll get $10.00 off. So more than double the $11.00 value of Reframe and that is what we kind of what we try to live by.

So if you haven’t gotten a copy of Reframe yet, or even if you have, grab another one to give to someone. Go through it together. Maximize the impact as you go through and discuss together. You can get all of this at and thank you for helping us get the word out and get this message into as many hands as we possibly can figure out how to do. I appreciate your help more than I can say.

Alright, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in our common mission to bring the spoken word of God to anyone we can possibly get to hear it, anywhere in this world, anytime of day or night, then you can do that at There’s a link there. Or if you prefer the mailing address, it’s P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174. And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942 – 4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today and that’s it for this week. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hi family, this is Biola from Maryland. I hope you all are doing well. Brian and Jill, God bless you. God bless your ministry and the new faith of going in to the Reframe. I pray for more provision for you in the name of Jesus. Pastor Gene, I heard your prayer request. You know we’re praying for you. Father Lord, I thank you because your word says that once I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or nor his seed begging bread. Father, you know the needs of my sister and her husband, O Lord. Father, I pray for your 100% restoration, in the name of Jesus. Lord of heaven, that people will arise and give him __________, that you will give them a breakthrough and you would make a way for them where there seems to be no way. Father, you delight in things like this, O God, when man reaches the end of his __________, Lord of heaven, you step in and show your power. I pray that you will do so __________ for this family, in the name of Jesus. Dave, brother who is having his surgery, I’m sure you’ve had it already. Father Lord, I pray for quick healing for my brother also, Lord. Thank you. I’m praying ahead of time. I know that is what you're going to __________. Thank for that, O God, Lord. Father, that I pray that you take away every fear, O God, Lord that seeks to just harass him, O God. Every spirit of fear I bind, in the name of Jesus. Father, let your heart be calm and be at peace and know he is with you. My brother from, Greg from California, I’m praying for the procedure for your daughter. I’m sure she’s probably had it already. I pray that God will guide the doctor’s hands and that he’ll do a great job. I’m praying that God will comfort you all over and for the loss of your mother-in-law, in the name of Jesus. Sister from New Zealand, I’m praying that your son will find his passport. I hope he finds it. Call us back and let us know. I pray for restoration of all that was stolen from him, in the name of Jesus. Andrew from California, I’m praying for healing for you, especially emotional healing. I’m praying that God will provide for your needs.

Hi beautiful family, this is Pastor Gene from Bradenton, Florida. I love you. Let’s pray. Father, I pray for Wayne from Maine, may you prosper his plan. No, let me pray better. May you prosper your plan in his life, Lord. Make every plan you have for your son come to pass as he submits to your will and may you open doors accordingly. Father I pray for my sister, Rumbii. Oh God, please, may your Holy Spirit inside of her help her to overcome by the power of the blood. I know that would want my sister to leave it in victory and I know you know her so well. You know exactly what she needs. Walta, I want to speak to you and say that God is near to you. God is close to the brokenhearted. I praise you, Father, for your victory in Walta’s life, in the life of her children, in the life of her husband. I pray for peace for my sister. Father, I bless little Zekey, our Little Daily Audio Bible Child. We love that little boy so much. Thank you, Father, for his life, so belated, but bless him abundantly. Father, I thank you for Sam’s victory, Sam from Vancouver. He got a new job. Father, he must of have worked very hard for it and I know that you are going to bless his efforts. Give him wisdom, just as you gave to Solomon, that he may be successful. Father, I pray for my sister Cathy from Illinois and I pray that you would bring about a better situation for my sister. Bless my brother, Caleb, from Texas. Bless him. Thank you for all the encouragement. He has a beautiful spirit. You have indeed used his words to speak to me at just the right time. I pray, Caleb, that your job change will bring you success. I love you guys, Pastor Gene from Bradenton, Florida. Be blessed.

Hello DAB family and friends, this is Blessed Like Me, but as you are truly blessed just like me. There are three experiences, maybe more for the Christian life. You have a wilderness experience, and before that you have a captivity experience. Then you have an experience that is a land filled with milk and honey, the Promised Land experience. Before you get to the Promised Land experience, you often have the experience the wilderness. The wilderness is the place where God is with you and brought you out of captivity, but you are still not at the Promised Land. And when you’re at captivity, you have no idea about the wilderness or the land filled with milk and honey. But to get you through any of those places or why you’re in any of those places, you got to see God in everything. You got to see God when you’re downtrodden, when you don’t see a way out of any way and everything seems dismal and dark. You got to be able to see God in those experiences. And when you’re in the wilderness, you have to see that God is able to bring you out of captivity and he has a promise for you – a land filled with milk and honey. And you can get there, but you have to have a vision. You have to be a visionary. You have to able to see God able to get you to where you need to be. Now remember when you’re in the wilderness, God has given you manna, he has led you with fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day and he’ll lead you and continue to lead you. And when you get to the Promised Land, don’t forget about the wilderness or the captivity because these are all real experiences. Just remember, wherever you at in this journey that God is with you, Immanuel. Have a great day. Thanks Brian and Jill for this ministry. Thank you all you guys for giving me what I need, and that’s love. Amen.

Hello Daily Audio Bible, my name is Joseph. I’m a first time caller. I just need prayers from the Daily Audio Bible family. I struggle with anxiety and I also struggle with lust, the sin of lust. I think that has to do with me watching pornography as a child and growing up with it. I’m 26. I still struggle with it. At the moment, I’ve been praying a lot and I’ve asked friends to pray for me and it has helped a lot. I have turned away from it and I thank God firstly for helping me turn away from that. I know that prayer is a powerful thing. So I just ask for every one of you to please pray for me and hopefully I’ll call back sometime in the near future and give you guys the good news that I no longer do that or none of those things cross my mind, that it doesn’t affect me. I don’t want to be that person again. I hope that you guys will pray for me and I always listen to you guys and I pray for you guys as well. And thank you Daily Audio Bible and God bless you, everyone.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible. I’m in Cleveland, Tennessee, and I’ve been listening the audio bible for several years now. This is the first time I called in, but I was so overjoyed by a prayer request and a message that I heard this morning from Paula in England, how she sang Count Your Blessings and Know Them By One. That so touched my heart and so just has made my day, truly, after a really rough day yesterday. So Paula, I want to say thank you and I hope one day that we will be able to sit down in heaven together and tell stories of our Daily Audio Bible experience. I would like to request prayer for my brother Carl in Alabama, who’s not a believer and just seeks different ways. And I pray for my daughter in Waco, Texas, that is in law school, that the hand of God will be upon her in protection. Thank you Daily Audio Bible. I love this community.

Hello my brothers and sisters of the Daily Audio Bible. Blessing to you. I’m so excited with what Brian has been revealing with the hi-definition files of the notable places in the bible that we’ll have. And of course, I ordered that right away and so now I have two of the books from August and now September and that’s fine because I plan on giving it away. And I’m excited to get the published book on October 1st. I’m just so thankful for you, Brian and Jill and I just pray for your entire family. I pray for all my brothers and sisters. I just love listening to and praying for all of you. If you can pray for me for one thing. I’m getting a lot of persecution and attacks on a political nature at the job that I have. I’m a government civilian. I’ve been around the Department of Defense my whole life. My dad was Army for 20-something years. I was Navy for 20-something years. And I just find myself now getting a lot of attacks and I have to remind myself to be Christ-like and to love my enemies and pray for them. And so I just need your encouragement and prayers that I would have the strength and fortitude and I will lean on God and walk in the Spirit. And so, if you can lift me up, I’d appreciate it. Again it’s Randall from Rocket City. God bless all of you, bye.

Tamarie 09/07/2015 09:46

Tamarie 09/07/2015 09:50

Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14 ~ 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 ~ Psalm 49:1-20 ~ Proverbs 22:20-21
Today is September 5th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible and welcome to the end of another week. We’ve made it and we continue to step forward every single day as we make our way through the Bible this year. So we’re at the end of another week and we’ll read from the translation we’ve been reading from all week, the New Life Version, and dive back into where we left off yesterday, in the book of Ecclesiastes.


Father, thank you for another week, another week that just goes by ,just like the scriptures say, a vapor. Sometimes it seems that way and yet when we retrace our steps and we consider what you are speaking to us through your word and by the power of your Holy Spirit, we see that you are involved in everything we allow you to be involved in. And we also see, very clearly, the places that we’ve shunned you or locked you out and yet you keep coming, you keep coming at us through your word. You keep coming at us by the power of your Holy Spirit. Your penetrating driving love is something we can’t escape and we don’t want to. We want to be in the thick of it, in the center of it, surrounded by it, protected by it. And so we thank you for the gift of your word that continually leads us back to your heart. We thank you for this week and we release this week to you and long and look forward with great anticipation to everything that you have for us in the coming week. Come Jesus we pray, in your name we ask, Amen.

Announcement is home base. It is the website. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here. And there’s plenty, plenty going on around here. I’m looking at the calendar and seeing that it won’t be long before I’m out on the road a bit talking about reframing our lives, reframing God in the relationship that exists between us. And next up on the calendar is the 27th, so that’s 3 weeks (1, 2, 3, I’m looking at a calendar), a little over 3 weeks; and I will be in Fort Smith, Arkansas, at First Presbyterian Church. And I’m looking forward to that because that has been on the calendar for a very long time. I was in this really bad car accident over a year ago, almost a year and a half ago now, and I was on my way to the airport to fly to Fort Smith, Arkansas, to be at First Presbyterian Church, and so I am looking forward to finishing that long piece of a journey that got interrupted and excited to bring the Reframe message to Fort Smith. So if you’re in the area, love to see you. The website for the church is I’m sure you can go there and contact them for more information.

We’ve also been spending a little bit of time talking about, of course, Reframe that is coming in less than a month; and Promised Land: The Essential Pilgrim’s Edition that we released this week to a lot of fanfare. And, I mean, I couldn’t be more proud of our team and couldn’t be more satisfied with what we’ve been able to do with Promised Land – to truly document the land of the Bible in such a way that it’s a 360 degree view, seen in ways that have never, ever, ever been seen before. To bring the land of the Bible closer, whether you’ve been there or not, to bring it in close in ways that we can experience it and connect the dots, like from our imagination to reality, like this story happened right here. So really pleased with Promised Land and really excited to make that resource available.

What we’ve tried to do since we’re talking about Promised Land and Reframe and because we kind of have a motto here which is to try to give more than we ever received; try to be that kind of community and to try to be those kinds of people, we’ve worked to say ‘Hey Reframe is coming.’ You know that by now. I’ve talked about it a lot. I’m pounding and talking about it repeatedly because I believe in it, with all my heart I believe in the words that are in that book and I believe that the more people that can encounter that, the more people will find a freedom and an exhale. So trying and navigate and figure out what this is to be in a relationship with God. What does that mean? I believe in that.

So yeah, it’s pre-order for a couple of weeks and its $11.00 to buy the book. But what we’ve tried to do is go like, ‘how can we offset this?’ Like since it is what it is, how can we give away more than that? Somebody spends $11.00 on this book, isn’t it just enough that maybe their whole life will change? Maybe. But I know how our culture works and I know how I am. And so what we’re offering this month is my first book which is called ‘Passage;’ which is a book I really do believe in. It really explains the why of being in this rhythm of the scriptures every day. If you pre-order Reframe, we’ll give the audiobook of Passages to you instantly. I mean you’ll get it as a download, instantly. We’re also offering a voucher, you get it right in your email, just for you and when you order Promised Land, you’ll get $10.00 off. So more than double the $11.00 value of Reframe and that is what we kind of what we try to live by.

So if you haven’t gotten a copy of Reframe yet, or even if you have, grab another one to give to someone. Go through it together. Maximize the impact as you go through and discuss together. You can get all of this at and thank you for helping us get the word out and get this message into as many hands as we possibly can figure out how to do. I appreciate your help more than I can say.

Alright, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in our common mission to bring the spoken word of God to anyone we can possibly get to hear it, anywhere in this world, anytime of day or night, then you can do that at There’s a link there. Or if you prefer the mailing address, it’s P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174. And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942 – 4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today and that’s it for this week. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hi family, this is Biola from Maryland. I hope you all are doing well. Brian and Jill, God bless you. God bless your ministry and the new faith of going in to the Reframe. I pray for more provision for you in the name of Jesus. Pastor Gene, I heard your prayer request. You know we’re praying for you. Father Lord, I thank you because your word says that once I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or nor his seed begging bread. Father, you know the needs of my sister and her husband, O Lord. Father, I pray for your 100% restoration, in the name of Jesus. Lord of heaven, that people will arise and give him __________, that you will give them a breakthrough and you would make a way for them where there seems to be no way. Father, you delight in things like this, O God, when man reaches the end of his __________, Lord of heaven, you step in and show your power. I pray that you will do so __________ for this family, in the name of Jesus. Dave, brother who is having his surgery, I’m sure you’ve had it already. Father Lord, I pray for quick healing for my brother also, Lord. Thank you. I’m praying ahead of time. I know that is what you're going to __________. Thank for that, O God, Lord. Father, that I pray that you take away every fear, O God, Lord that seeks to just harass him, O God. Every spirit of fear I bind, in the name of Jesus. Father, let your heart be calm and be at peace and know he is with you. My brother from, Greg from California, I’m praying for the procedure for your daughter. I’m sure she’s probably had it already. I pray that God will guide the doctor’s hands and that he’ll do a great job. I’m praying that God will comfort you all over and for the loss of your mother-in-law, in the name of Jesus. Sister from New Zealand, I’m praying that your son will find his passport. I hope he finds it. Call us back and let us know. I pray for restoration of all that was stolen from him, in the name of Jesus. Andrew from California, I’m praying for healing for you, especially emotional healing. I’m praying that God will provide for your needs.

Hi beautiful family, this is Pastor Gene from Bradenton, Florida. I love you. Let’s pray. Father, I pray for Wayne from Maine, may you prosper his plan. No, let me pray better. May you prosper your plan in his life, Lord. Make every plan you have for your son come to pass as he submits to your will and may you open doors accordingly. Father I pray for my sister, Rumbii. Oh God, please, may your Holy Spirit inside of her help her to overcome by the power of the blood. I know that would want my sister to leave it in victory and I know you know her so well. You know exactly what she needs. Walta, I want to speak to you and say that God is near to you. God is close to the brokenhearted. I praise you, Father, for your victory in Walta’s life, in the life of her children, in the life of her husband. I pray for peace for my sister. Father, I bless little Zekey, our Little Daily Audio Bible Child. We love that little boy so much. Thank you, Father, for his life, so belated, but bless him abundantly. Father, I thank you for Sam’s victory, Sam from Vancouver. He got a new job. Father, he must of have worked very hard for it and I know that you are going to bless his efforts. Give him wisdom, just as you gave to Solomon, that he may be successful. Father, I pray for my sister Cathy from Illinois and I pray that you would bring about a better situation for my sister. Bless my brother, Caleb, from Texas. Bless him. Thank you for all the encouragement. He has a beautiful spirit. You have indeed used his words to speak to me at just the right time. I pray, Caleb, that your job change will bring you success. I love you guys, Pastor Gene from Bradenton, Florida. Be blessed.

Hello DAB family and friends, this is Blessed Like Me, but as you are truly blessed just like me. There are three experiences, maybe more for the Christian life. You have a wilderness experience, and before that you have a captivity experience. Then you have an experience that is a land filled with milk and honey, the Promised Land experience. Before you get to the Promised Land experience, you often have the experience the wilderness. The wilderness is the place where God is with you and brought you out of captivity, but you are still not at the Promised Land. And when you’re at captivity, you have no idea about the wilderness or the land filled with milk and honey. But to get you through any of those places or why you’re in any of those places, you got to see God in everything. You got to see God when you’re downtrodden, when you don’t see a way out of any way and everything seems dismal and dark. You got to be able to see God in those experiences. And when you’re in the wilderness, you have to see that God is able to bring you out of captivity and he has a promise for you – a land filled with milk and honey. And you can get there, but you have to have a vision. You have to be a visionary. You have to able to see God able to get you to where you need to be. Now remember when you’re in the wilderness, God has given you manna, he has led you with fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day and he’ll lead you and continue to lead you. And when you get to the Promised Land, don’t forget about the wilderness or the captivity because these are all real experiences. Just remember, wherever you at in this journey that God is with you, Immanuel. Have a great day. Thanks Brian and Jill for this ministry. Thank you all you guys for giving me what I need, and that’s love. Amen.

Hello Daily Audio Bible, my name is Joseph. I’m a first time caller. I just need prayers from the Daily Audio Bible family. I struggle with anxiety and I also struggle with lust, the sin of lust. I think that has to do with me watching pornography as a child and growing up with it. I’m 26. I still struggle with it. At the moment, I’ve been praying a lot and I’ve asked friends to pray for me and it has helped a lot. I have turned away from it and I thank God firstly for helping me turn away from that. I know that prayer is a powerful thing. So I just ask for every one of you to please pray for me and hopefully I’ll call back sometime in the near future and give you guys the good news that I no longer do that or none of those things cross my mind, that it doesn’t affect me. I don’t want to be that person again. I hope that you guys will pray for me and I always listen to you guys and I pray for you guys as well. And thank you Daily Audio Bible and God bless you, everyone.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible. I’m in Cleveland, Tennessee, and I’ve been listening the audio bible for several years now. This is the first time I called in, but I was so overjoyed by a prayer request and a message that I heard this morning from Paula in England, how she sang Count Your Blessings and Know Them By One. That so touched my heart and so just has made my day, truly, after a really rough day yesterday. So Paula, I want to say thank you and I hope one day that we will be able to sit down in heaven together and tell stories of our Daily Audio Bible experience. I would like to request prayer for my brother Carl in Alabama, who’s not a believer and just seeks different ways. And I pray for my daughter in Waco, Texas, that is in law school, that the hand of God will be upon her in protection. Thank you Daily Audio Bible. I love this community.

Hello my brothers and sisters of the Daily Audio Bible. Blessing to you. I’m so excited with what Brian has been revealing with the hi-definition files of the notable places in the bible that we’ll have. And of course, I ordered that right away and so now I have two of the books from August and now September and that’s fine because I plan on giving it away. And I’m excited to get the published book on October 1st. I’m just so thankful for you, Brian and Jill and I just pray for your entire family. I pray for all my brothers and sisters. I just love listening to and praying for all of you. If you can pray for me for one thing. I’m getting a lot of persecution and attacks on a political nature at the job that I have. I’m a government civilian. I’ve been around the Department of Defense my whole life. My dad was Army for 20-something years. I was Navy for 20-something years. And I just find myself now getting a lot of attacks and I have to remind myself to be Christ-like and to love my enemies and pray for them. And so I just need your encouragement and prayers that I would have the strength and fortitude and I will lean on God and walk in the Spirit. And so, if you can lift me up, I’d appreciate it. Again it’s Randall from Rocket City. God bless all of you, bye.