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Daily Transcripts
Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16 ~ 2 Corinthians 8:16-24 ~ Psalm 50:1-23 ~ Proverbs 22:22-23
Today is the 6th of September. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today as we greet this brand new week and it’s a special time because, well, we’re entering into a new book, a short book, a special time of the year, kind of coming out of Job and then through Ecclesiastes, and we find ourselves at the Song of Solomon. And every year, I invite Jill to come and read the Song of Solomon with me because it’s spoken as a narrative between a man and a woman, and in some cases men and women, and so bringing that perspective brings it to life. And so I have my wife here in the studio with me. But before we begin the Song of Songs, let’s talk about it.

Introduction of a New Book

Song of Solomon is short, like I was saying, but its potent and its beautiful. It’s a book of poetry contained, obviously, in the Old Testament. For thousands of years, the correct way to interpret this book has been wrestled with. From the literal perspective, it’s the story of passionate courtship, marriage and then consummation of love between a man and a woman who are absolutely lost in each other’s love. The book stands on its own as a beautiful statement of marital love.

In ancient Jewish tradition, they would look at the book allegorically as the love of God for his people, for his children, the Jewish people. And this is completely supportable in other areas of scriptures, both in the Old and New Testaments.

In the Christian tradition, the book is an allegorical look at Christ’ love for his Church and a foreshadowing of his desire to be with his bride.

The reality is that it’s all true. All three of those ways of looking at this are true. A successful marital relationship is an all-consuming thing. Each person must be fully devoted to making it work through all of life’s ups and downs. Right? So those of us that are married, we know this. But a lot of times, we don’t realize that it’s that same disruptive, pervasive, joyful, difficult commitment that it takes to be in a relationship with God; which is the entire point of this year being about Reframe and the entire point of all of that. This isn’t a casual acquaintance. It’s an all-consuming proposition, an all-consuming fully devoted relationship if we want to be in it. And so the Song of Solomon absolutely illustrates all of this.

And so as we approach the book of the Song of Solomon, we have a number of lenses that we can view it through. But I think we would do best by viewing through all of them. So it’s a short, a very meaningful portion of scripture because it speaks to us on so many levels. May we drink deeply of this beautiful and eloquent poetry in the Song of Songs.


Father, we thank you for the beautiful gift of your word and the way that it applies itself to all the nuances of our lives, the way that it overlays so perfectly with our humanity. Thank you for this gift. Thank you for the Song of Solomon, this beautiful poetry that has stood the test of thousands of years, some of the most beautiful in the world that describes your passion for us, what our passion should be like, by describing in terms that we understand, passion for one another, our spouses. And so we invite you into that as it forces us to re-examine our posture of heart toward our mate as well as our posture of heart toward you, and it gives us plenty to consider. And we invite your Holy Spirit to be our north star so that we have an orientation, so we have a way to locate ourselves and find out kind of where we are with each other and with you because you are continually drawing us forward; forward with our intimacy with our spouse; forward with our intimacy with you; and they perfectly describe what the shape of life is supposed to look like. And so come, Holy Spirit, we invite you into our marriages. We invite you into everything that directs and guides our marital relationships because in learning this, we also learn how to relate to you and how you are willing to relate to us. So come Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942 -4253 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hi. This is Melanie calling from the Bay Area. I called before about my son, Elijah, and he is just a joyful child. And yesterday we had to start looking at wheelchairs for him and it was tough, you know. We just thought that he would be walking. I think that he can learn to walk, and so just pray for that and pray for that process and pray for us as we are just preparing for that transition. He’s getting ready to go into the school district. Work is really stressful right now and I’m trying to look for a new job and have you pray for that. I need something flexible with good benefits. Can I just pray with you guys to start to try talk with Elijah to help him understand what’s going on with him; that the Lord will just give us the words to just speak with him. Just pray for us. Thank you for your prayers. I just love this community and you just reach out and know that there’s support. So thank you, bye.

Good morning DAB family, this is Paula calling from Albuquerque. I’m having a wonderful day. The Holy Spirit prompted me to call after listening to today’s podcast. It is September 2nd, Wednesday. I need to give a praise report and I haven’t’ done so because I have been cautious. My son and my daughter-in-law are back together and I am being cautiously excited. I’m not sure what the words are, but they are back together. They are living together with the children. They’re not going to church, but I was be able to take my granddaughters to church with me on Sunday. They spent the night with me after celebrating my birthday. And both of my granddaughters, 5 and 6, got saved on Sunday; which is absolutely a praise. And then, you know, I was listening to Sam who called in about sharing with his sister and brother-in-law and I have family members, my baby sister and her husband are in a new-age church. And so I feel that constantly. And so there are ways that I witness. Without saying it is scripture, I will say word. I will mention the word to her, but not say that it is scripture. And so Sam I’m standing with you and as with everyone else in our community that is going through that with family members. So I just wanted to call in with that praise report, because like I said, I’ve been holding back a little bit. So, thank you all. I love you and look forward to hearing from you all. Have a blessed day.

This is Sudie in the Valley. I’ve been listening to DAB since November, but this is my first time calling. I’m very much blessed by the message that the Hardins bring and by the community of the DAB family. So I say, thank you to all of you. Pray along with all the callers and I offer prayers for people in the community that don’t call. I also pray for Brian and Jill in their work and for their family because I know that the principalities of darkness does surely want to harm God’s children who’re fighting to get the word out there, are something we need to fight for Brian and Jill. The reason I was moved to call into today, that in addition to listening to Brian, my son Victor, who’s 15, and I listen to the Daily Audio for Teens which is read and hosted by China. It’s good for my son for obvious reasons, but again, further blessing because I hear New Testament and Proverbs twice. So recently, in China’s prayer of a followup to our 1 Corinthians reading, she prayed that even though we make up one body, we remember that we all have the same purpose. I found that so profound. I know that I’ve been concerned in the past about ‘what does God want me to do?’ But through China’s prayer, I was reminded of what’s important for me to do, to save his lost sheep. I was also reminded through what Brian read around that same timeframe is that I need to stop before I say something and stop before I ask and say, ‘can I say this or do this for the glory of God?’ So my ministry is that wherever I am, here’s what God has given me at that point in time, to reflect Christ in my words, my actions, and most importantly through my prayers. Thanks again to the Hardins and to the community. I love you and I’m praying for you.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family. It’s Elbanita in Lexington, now in Charlotte. It has been a rough week. My dad, last Sunday, went home to be with Jesus. I was able to be with him in his final hours. It was very peaceful just as he was a peaceful man. So I’m now back in Charlotte trying to just figure out what’s next. Feels like I’m on a roller coaster that is slow moving and I don’t want to be on it. I want to be off of this roller coaster. So before I was calling about finding a job and now it’s just I don’t know if I feel like I know what home is anymore. I don’t have a place that fits. So I would love prayer. I feel kind of numb, kind of out there. I know that the Lord is with me and the Lord has been so sweet by sending reminders that he is paying attention. But I could just use some prayers. I’m trying to get caught up, I’m behind in grieving. So I will keep you all posted in my progress. But even in this moment of sadness, I still have peace and I still have joy. The peace surpasses all understanding is so real, so I will be praying for you all. Thank you for praying for me and I’ll talk to you soon.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. It’s Becky in Norway. I know. Hey, I know I have to tell you this quick little story. This morning I was leaving for work, super early, at least before the light has come up and the sun has come up, and this morning when I was driving out of my road, I see that there is one cloud that’s illuminated and it’s got a beam of light that is going straight down from the cloud down to the ground. It was like a spotlight from the cloud to the ground and it was just so amazing. I’ve never seen the moon do that before and I was looking at this and I was like ‘oh my goodness.’ Is this an angel that’s going to heaven? I’m like ‘oh my goodness! God, if you’re beaming everybody up, here I am. Don’t forget about me!’ It was so amazing. And so I kept on watching one beam of light coming from the cloud with the moon behind the cloud, I’m assuming. And then later on as I get closer to the work, the sun is coming up slightly but not visible yet, and then there’s one cloud that lit up gold and it got all these ribbons going down from the cloud, and it was just so beautiful. And later on, I found out it was a space shuttle had taken off this morning. But it was a space shuttle, you know it makes me think about the fact that, you know what, when God has me on his list, I need to ready. And what am I doing with my life between now and then? You know I need to make sure I’m living my life in a way that I tell everybody about Jesus Christ and about how he saved me. And I want my friends and family to be saved, too. I don’t want them to go without knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. So I thank all of you guys for praying and love all of you and I hope you enjoyed my funny little story this morning. And so I felt like ‘God beam me up’ just like Star Wars or Star Trek, so it’s pretty awesome. But I’m still like that anyway, it was my highlight for the day.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Sinner. I know it’s been a long time, but I’ve been with you silently until God has helped me through some struggles. For those who are not familiar with me through my calls, I refer to myself as Sinner for a couple of reasons. Mostly when God spoke to my heart about calling in, he impressed upon that I should remain anonymous and give the credit to him since I was trying to take credit for myself in the past. But also, I’m Sinner because we are all sinners. I’m no better and no worse than anyone else. I pray for those who call in as best as I can and I pray that God gives me wisdom and the words to speak to do so. So let’s get to work. Lord these words you have given me, I give back to you. Let’s pray. Responding to Janet from Tennessee, providing Lord, we lift up Jeannie who is Janet’s sister and Walta of Charlotte. We pray that you will do a mighty work in these women’s lives, provide them with the things they need to support themselves and their families: To reunite families that have been separated, restore them to each other, and grow their faith in the one true God. Responding to Regina of South Florida, healing Lord, we lift up Pops who’s battling pancreatic cancer. We pray for healing and a quick recovery from this procedure. Lord lift up your servant that with whatever time he has left, be that days or years, that his life may shine with the light of Christ and brighten the lives of those around him. We pray also for the Holy Spirit to be a comforter to be upon his family, friends and loved ones as he endures his trials to come. Father we also lift up Jazz and pray for healing and restoration for her. Give her doctor’s wisdom and discernment to diagnose and treat her and send your Spirit to her heart to help her trust in your holy plan. We ask these things, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Tamarie 09/07/2015 14:33