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WindFarm Prayer Requests
just dont know
I asked for prayer for my mother and she is doing great,,,asked for prayer about this new church and things seem well,,now i need to ask prayer for myself,,I have a deep sadness that will not be comforted,,my heart is truly aching,,I'm finding little reason to face day to day,,I need prayers,,but so does everybody else, I honestly just wanna sit and cry,,I'm tired.
scottie mcbrater 10/07/2015 23:36

Kris 10/08/2015 10:27
Scottie, God knows your struggles and HE will never forsake you. Everyone goes through dry seasons in life. When I'm in one I just start reading the Psalms. They are comforting and full of love from our glorious Heavenly Father. Hang in there because HE is with you. If you doubt HIS love just remember HE sent HIS only son to die to set you free. I am praying peace and God's hand guiding you through this difficult time. God bless you
JT 10/09/2015 09:20
Praying Scottie
Linda 10/11/2015 14:38
Sometimes I find this verse gives me comfort. Maybe it will comfort you today. 2 Tim 4: 17. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength,