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Daily Transcripts
Jeremiah 19:1-21:14 ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:4-28 ~ Psalm 82:1-8 ~ Proverbs 25:9-10
Today is the 12th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It is pleasure and an honor to be here with you today, moving forward in all that we’ve begun – this great endeavor to move our way through the scriptures in their complete entirety this year. So to take the next step forward, we’ll read from the International Standard Version.


Thank you, Father, for another day in your Word. Thank you, Father, for another day in community – this kinship that we feel toward one another because we’re on the same page, literally working our way through your Word together and feeling bound together in the faith with our hearts knit together by the power of your Holy Spirit. We thank you for this gift, the gift of each other, the gift of your Word, the gift of your Holy Spirit. We ask that you plant these things deep in our lives today, orienting us to you and that collectively as a community we make a different today, make a difference in this world because individually we’ve decided to surrender ourselves to you and walk with you in relationship today so as we make a difference in our own worlds, we collectively make a pretty big difference in the world. May we represent you well. Come Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Announcements is home base. It is where you find out what’s going on around here. Had a great time yesterday with the Reframe Tour kicking off right here in the Nashville area. Lovely to see you who came out and enjoyed the time that we had together.

Looking forward to next weekend, we will be in Charleston, SC area at Daniel Island Fellowship. That is on the 18th. is their website so you can check that out. Then the 25th, which is the week after next, I’ll be in Richland, WA, bringing Reframe to Columbia Christian Church. November 1st we will be at New Song Christian Fellowship in Louisville, KY. November 8th, let me see here, we’ll be at Mission Chattanooga in Chattanooga, TN. Then November 15th we’ll be at La Jolla Christian Fellowship in the San Diego area. Looking forward to these next weeks on the road, looking forward to seeing you out and about.

Okay, we found out something pretty big and I'm excited to share this with you, especially in terms of what I’ve been talking about with the Reframe small group. We have this Reframe Film series that we put together – five films that take the message deeper – perfect for individual use, fantastic for a group of friends to go through together. You can get that at I’ve been telling you that if you get seven copies of Reframe and have this group or give them to those that you love, we’ll send this to you. We’ll send the DVD to you free, no postage, no nothing and we’ll give you access to be able to download the films right away. If you get 10 or more, we’ll also add an additional Reframe book, a signed first edition copy of Reframe. So that has been going on and thank you for those of you who are forming groups and those of you who are getting the message out to those that you care about.

One of our retail partners, Lifeway Christian Stores, has decided to put Reframe on sale this week, 50% off all week long. I just think it's awesome, especially in terms of getting multiple copies. Christmas shopping, group formation, giving those to your friends, they are half off at Lifeway this week. You can go to one of the Lifeway Stores, if there is one in your neck of the woods. I think they have pretty close to a couple hundred stores around the country. Or or and there is a link right to Lifeway if you click the Lifeway link. They are half off all week, so I think that is pretty awesome. Take advantage of that. Same deal – if you get seven copies, we’ll send you the DVD. If you get 10 copies or more, we’ll send you the DVD and a signed book. So jump in and take advantage of that. We’re excited that they have been willing to do that.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at Thank you profoundly, humbly. Thank you. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN, 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Well hello from beautiful Cincinnati, OH. This is Daniel Johnson, Jr., calling today just…well, you know. It's actually been a little while since I’ve reached out to this community by telephone and just have some things that are on my heart, so if you wouldn’t mind, let's pray. Jesus, we come to you now on behalf of this community that reaches all around the world through the power of great technology that you’ve provided for us, Heavenly Father. Holy Spirit, as your Word goes out, we know that it doesn’t come back without having an effect and we thank you so much for this community. Thank you so much for Brian and Jill and all of the people that work behind the scenes to make sure that this community can continue to be funded, not only that but also that it can run effectively. I pray about the Reframe book and this concept of Reframe. I pray that it reaches out as far and wide as possible, that nothing will hinder it because it is something that every one of us as human beings need. And God, I want to pray for my marriage right now to my wife Danni. Right now we’re going through a time where the enemy has isolated us and is trying to keep us isolated. God, we come against that now in the name of Jesus Christ. Our daughter has decided to leave you and is not very close to you and we come against that in the name of Jesus Christ and we pray for our daughter Keisha. And lastly, God, we pray for all of the people that are coming to the greater Cincinnati area for the Ohio Valley Rally. I know this will be played after that time, but we pray now for these people that are coming in. Bless them. In Jesus’ name, amen.

It's Candace from Oregon. Please pray with me, family. Lord, I thank you for your mercy and grace toward all of us, toward your church, the bride of Christ you call us. And even when we’re unfaithful and inappropriate, you continue to be faithful. You continue to draw us back to you, Lord. I pray for all of our churches represented here by those who hear my voice. For some, DAB is their church so definitely including that, Lord. Draw us close to you and in particular I'm concerned for my husband's Sunday school class this Sunday where people will be challenged to really be with you, Lord. Not just know about you, but be with you and come into relationship with you. Lord, thank you for blessing your body, the church. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Hello DAB family. I'm calling from California. I am a heartbroken mom this morning. There was a shooting on my daughter's college campus and one young man lost his life. Although my daughter is safe and interestingly, knowing her personality, I just knew that she would be in a safe place and God certainly protected many, many kids. The young man is who is on my heart. One student died, three were injured, and one man, one student, one young man, 18-year-old, his life is changed forever. So it is just heavy, heavy on my heart today. I’ve been out in nature just talking to God about it and praying over it. I don’t know why this is… I don’t even know this person, but it is just breaking my heart he is waking up in jail today. So would you please join me in praying for this young man knowing that, of course, he has to face lifelong consequences now, but he is still loved by God regardless? How in the world? I said to God this morning, how do we convey this to him? And he said you can’t be there in the jail cell, but I can. So I just pray. Heavenly Father, I just lift up this young man to you and certainly the families that have been affected, God. We can’t overlook them. We can’t brush that aside. God, please heal them. Please be with them today and just calm their heart and minds, God, especially the family of the young man whose life was lost. But God, I just pray that this young man who was left behind, who is in prison this morning waking up to a whole new life ahead, just please, please be with him and let him know that you can still use him, that you still love him, that this is not an eternal condemnation as long as he turns to repentance and he turns to you, God. He's alone right now. There is no one with him…

Hey Daily Audio Bible family. My name is Scott and I'm just calling in today because I was listening to the prayer line and a guy called in and he was really struggling. He didn’t say his name, but he was distressed, he was struggling with really feeling defeated and feeling hopeless. I just want to call up and talk to you, man, and just tell you sometimes we all get that way. I get it. I totally understand. But, hey, you know the things we think about, we get a choice to think about those things. If you can, just try to think about the things that you're grateful for, even if it is just a simple thing like you had a good breakfast today or something. It just gets you in a space where you're thinking good thoughts and you're thinking thoughts that are true. If you are walking with the Lord, you're not hopeless. You're not without hope. God is with you. You just don’t realize it yet. It's __________ want to look at it, but just __________ bull’s eye with circles going out from the center and right in the center is Jesus and what he thinks about you. If you can, put some good things in your mind, scriptures, whatever is true, holy, just and of good report, put your mind on these things and the peace of God that passes understanding will guard your heart. So __________ help you. Bye.

Hey guys. This is John, the Warrior King, Son of the King, that is my new mantra. That is what I run with when I'm trying to do my __________ training and stuff like that and that is who I am from now on. I'm back in the game, strong, tired of being weak. Tired of finding the story of what is wrong. I just want to tell everybody what came to me this morning while I was listening to the podcast. Every podcast, all the prayer requests at the end are really blessings on us because we’re praying for people who are struggling with things, whether they are money things or physical things or health things or just terrible things and we’re praying for them. But by the same token, we get a chance to pray for them __________ you can say God, maybe our stuff isn’t that bad? Maybe we’re doing better than we thought and it's an __________ for us. So I really encourage us to keep walking through the game, walking through what the Lord has put out there for us and try to connect with what he has made for us, because what else are we out there for? As Slave of Jesus says, find a passage that is totally powerful. Do that. Absolutely do that. Do whatever you can but every day you gotta say, God, I'm doing incredibly well and I'm praying for my brother. That blesses me. When I pray for them, it blesses me. So when we listen to Tony, Biola, I mean there is a litany of names that goes on, but there are a ton of prayer warriors here who just say screw it, I'm praying for you all the time, and the thing you don’t realize, maybe you do, is that there are people who you don’t hear from who when they listen to you, your prayer request, they pray for you at the same time. So Brian, Jill, Tyler, all you guys, you rock. You make it happen for all of us. We’re so blessed to have you…

Picture clouds of fluffy white drift lazily across the sky creating images that come together in various shapes and sizes only to dissolve before my eyes and then form new ones that do exactly the same thing. I realize the clouds, like everything else in life are transient and in a constant state of flux and try as I might to maintain the shape and image of that which was there comes a time when I must let go and accept the fact that it is irrevocably gone forever. An optimist believes that that which will come will be better than that which was before while a pessimist believes that things can only get worse. But one will never truly know unless one possesses the patience and openness of mind to simply wait and see. No, the big fluffy picture clouds that were so abundant when I began this poem have no amassed together to form a torrential rainstorm, or is it just a passing shower? I guess we’ll just simply wait and see. I’d like to continue my shout-out that I started to Michelle C. from L.A. Michelle, I pray that those lesions that they found on the MRI on your spine are just a passing shower, not a torrential storm. But either way, know that I am praying every day for your strength to weather the storm. Sunshine will also follow it. Everything will work out for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Keep the faith and keep your head…

Tamarie 10/12/2015 20:13