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Daily Transcripts
Ezekiel 3:16-6:14 ~ Hebrews 4:1-16 ~ Psalm 104:24-35 ~ Proverbs 26:27

Today is November the 2nd. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s good to be here with you as we kind of dive into the work week. It was a great time in Louisville yesterday. Thank you for everyone who came out. It was good to see you Kentucky. It was great to bring Reframe to a great church along great people, so we had a good time. Glad to be back in the rolling hills of Tennessee where I live. I’m looking forward to this week together with you. So, we started with the book of Ezekiel yesterday and I love this book, so I’m looking forward to taking another step forward today. We’re reading from the New Life Version this week.


Father, as we read in the book of Hebrews, we affirm for sure that this is what we believe. Your Word is alive! It is sharper than any double-edged sword. It can cut down to the level of where soul and spirit meet. It goes as deep as the core of our identity. It tells what the heart is thinking about and where it wants to go, and no one can hide from you. We believe this, this is why we’re in the rhythm of life that we are, allowing your Word to go that deep into us every single day, rooting out the things that are false and the things that bring false identity, an identity outside of relationship with you, a self-sufficient identity that believes it can be its own sovereign and it can’t. We cannot be our own lord and master, only you can, and so we thank you for your Word. It is alive in us. And we invite your Holy Spirit to plant it deep each day, nourishing us, instructing us, counseling us, giving us companionship and friendship, but also telling us the truth. We thank you for this gift of community, and we thank you for your Word. We invite you fully that we may, as the book of Hebrews says, ‘enter into your rest.’ Come Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus' name, amen.

Announcements is the website, home base. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here and you know there’s always something going on around here; and coming up on our calendar is this coming Sunday. So, we had a great time yesterday, Louisville. This weekend, the 8th, we will be in Chattanooga, at Mission Chattanooga and their website is So be sure to check that out; looking forward to seeing you. They have a number of services so I’ll hopefully see you at one of them as we bring Reframe over to Chattanooga. Then one week later, which is the 15th of November (and that will round out our 2015 leg of the Reframe tour), we’ll end in the San Diego area. So, La Jolla Christian Fellowship and their website is, and I’m very much looking forward to being out there. And then I can take this big deep exhale and go: ‘OK, we’ve been all over the place, and now we’ll settle in for the holidays and all of the work that it takes to work through the holidays and get ready for the new year at the Daily Audio Bible.’ And then we’ll go back out on the road in January, so I’m looking forward to seeing you on the road and hopefully at one of these cities before the year is out. Thank you very much for your prayers over our travel.

In Reframe news: The Reframe Audio Edition has now been officially released, and that is a CD audio edition and can be purchased from I guess pretty much anywhere, but there are definitely links to retailers that we now have it at So, if you’ve been waiting for that, it is now available. I’m trying to think how to say this, because I read it, so it’s like I’m talking about something I did and trying to tell you that you should get it, and that is always the uncomfortable rub for me. The audio edition of Reframe is I think maybe as close as I intended. When I read the book back, I felt like: ‘OK, this is how I want to say this, this is the tone, this is how I wrote this,’ so now I’m speaking this. So, definitely check out the audio edition at It is now released and available and shipping.

Alright, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, then as you’ve heard me say a hundred times this year, I can’t thank you enough; I am deeply humbled that as a community we are able to do what we are doing. And so, if this is a life-giving community to you, then thank you for being a source of life for it. We exist because we have grown up together to do what we’re doing, so thank you for your partnership in that. There’s a link on the home page of If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hey DAB family, this is Donnie in Atlanta and I’m calling because today we are starting Lamentations and Philemon. This makes one year since the DAB for me, so I have now read the books of the Bible and it has really changed my life actually just being a part of this community. I had this podcast where I had the DAB there for a few months, and I didn’t really pay a lot of attention to it and finally I just kind of listened to it and heard Brian introducing Lamentations and Philemon and I think that just kind of drew me in and then I just began to listen. Then, just hearing all the prayer requests and praise reports and the interaction with the community, it’s been a real blessing and I really just look forward to continuing to be a part of this for as long as the Lord will allow. So please pray for me. I pray for you as I hear your prayer requests and I rejoice with you at your praise reports. And I love you guys. Take care!

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Blessed-Like-Me. This is October 29th, 2015. My cousin came over, he was drunk as a skunk. He came over tonight and I was just in playing my video game and he came in. He was out of his mind, cursing and what-not; that he was tired of God, forget the Christian life and all of this. He sat beside me and I could feel an evil spirit on him, and I said under my breath, I said a prayer under my breath. I had to do it in the name of Jesus. I said ‘leave,’ in the name of Jesus, I said ‘leave.’ and I kept saying that prayer. And ….BOOM! Just like that, the spirit left him. You could just see a calmness over him, a calmness. We got talking some more and …BLING! the Periscope then chimed in. I said ‘look at this! Look at this!’ I’m holding up my phone. I said ‘look at this! This is what we’re talking about…that God is… do you want to know God for yourself?’ This guy right here is talking about him! He said ‘I know that guy, I know that guy. That guy helped me.’ He thought Brian was somebody else, but we’re sitting there and we’re talking and talking. Then I put the Periscope down and we got just talking and said ‘I want to know God for myself.’ And I remembered that I’d ordered…I’d received an order of 2 Reframe books and they were my kids’ and they were still in the pack because I hadn’t opened them yet. So I handed him the bag and he opened the bag and he was just shocked by the red Reframe book. The Reframe: That God’s not as you know but the God with us, and this is broken down. That was God at work, that was God at work, using that book to change somebody’s life, man! It was awesome to see how he changed his whole demeanor and everything after he’d seen the book. He took the book, he didn’t ask for it, he took it! Thank you everybody. Hope everybody’s good. Bless you.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family. This is Newman in College Station, TX. I was calling to share some victories, some rewards, some answers to prayer. So Kim and I (my wife and I), whom I had called and asked for prayer for, we’re on the marriage prayer list. We just had a deep and meaningful conversation in a way that we were able to communicate, that was just open. This type of communication just rarely happens between us, it was amazing. I was able to talk about God and we prayed together, we prayed for our business; and so, I’m excited about the communication and just the opportunity. To pray together with my wife was amazing. Another thing that we had been praying about was my brother Darren. He was looking for a job. He was hired as a manager at a local restaurant and so his first day at work, back to work was today. So, thank you all for praying so much. Their family definitely needed the income and this was a great blessing. One other thing I need to ask for your prayers for is our business is failing and just about at a financial breaking point right now, so even though there’s been breakthrough in our marriage, I need to pray for breakthrough in our business and for whatever comes next in our lives. I just need to ask for your continued prayer. A right, this is Newman, College Station, and thank you for praying for Darren and my wife Kim. Your prayers are working, and we appreciate it. Bye.

Hello, this is Mark S. from Sydney, Australia. This is Friday the 30th of October. Brian, I have completed the reading of Reframe and watched 3 of your Periscope podcasts. I’m looking forward to getting time to listen to the 4th podcast. I just received the audio edition of Reframe and will start listening to it. Brian, I sincerely thank you for your faith in God and having the courage to spread His message to all of us. God’s Word through you in my Daily Audio Bible listening and Reframe is having a profound change in my life. Words cannot express the love I am feeling from God, I know you are understand me. Sinner-Redeemed, thank you for praying for me and Jenny on Sunday the 17th of October’s Community Prayer. Slave-of-Jesus, Sinner-Redeemed, Biola from Maryland, your prayers certainly gave me the courage to try and organize how I would discuss reconciliation with my ex-wife. Unfortunately, she has not responded to see me. I’ve sent an apology via an email, which I don’t think is great. Please pray if God needs me to do this with her, to soften my ex-wife’s heart and agree to a meeting. I want to now respond to Slave-of-Jesus’ request for protection from the evil one while he starts his men's group. Heavenly Father, I pray that you’d cover Slave-Of-Jesus with your divine protection. You said that when two or more pray together, that you are amongst them. Grant this request to your faithful servant Slave-of-Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, amen. God’s love to all of you and look forward to talking to you again soon. Bye.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is Alphaio calling from Delaware. Let us pray. Dear Lord, we are honored to draw near to your presence. We have been gifted to be called your children. We take for granted so many things that you have made available to us. We run through life like a cliché, believing we are entitled to all that has come our way. God, please forgive us for this attitude we have displayed at most times in our lives. Help us to know that all we have is an overflowing abundance of your generosity, providing us with what we need and not what we think we need. Help us to know your thoughts are not our thoughts and your plans are not our plans. Even when we are in the darkness, help us to understand that the light of your love and grace carries us through. Shake us loose from all that we are holding onto, whatever it is, be it either people, money, careers, or fame. Let us cling to you because it is only in you we can have the assurance of our bright future. Pay attention to our cries, the cries to increase our faith, the cries to start over and write a new story with you involved in it fully, the cries for healing, physically, emotionally and spiritually, the cries for providence, for our daily bread, the cries for the restoration of broken families and relationships, the cries to humble us and the cries to break down all the walls that have been erected in our lives that have deterred us from realizing our full potential and the fulfillment of our calling here on earth. Holy Spirit, we are stepping aside right now, letting you lead and guide our steps. Help us to follow faithfully as we await the coming of our loving heavenly King. Let us be counted among the good and faithful servants. We pray all these...

Tamarie 11/03/2015 08:46