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Daily Transcripts
Ezekiel 42:1-43:27 ~ James 5:1-20 ~ Psalm 119:1-16 ~ Proverbs 28:6-7

Today is the 21st of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you as we close another week and, man, there’s not that many weeks left. We really are kind of turning the corner. It’s seems like we just started, but we have turned a corner and about to head home into the final month of the year very shortly. And there’s so much left for us in the scriptures. So, we’ve been reading from the New International Version this week, which is what we’ll do today


Father, we thank you for another week, another week in your Word. We thank you for your faithfulness, your kindness, your instruction, your counsel, your discipline, your mercy, your smile upon us. We thank you for your fellowship, your companionship, your guidance, your leadership, for coming and fathering us all of this week and all of the previous weeks of this year. We thank you for relationship and an intimacy with you that is beyond anything that we could have ever dreamed. We thank you for being here for us and we ask, because we can’t do this on our own, that by the power of your Holy Spirit we will be there for you too. We thank you for your love and we love you back. We worship you. You are good. Your mercy endures forever and we with a grateful heart partake of that mercy because we need it desperately. So come Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Announcements is the website. It’s home base. Yeah, it’s where you find out what’s going around here. So, find out what’s going on around here – plenty is always going on around here.

Reframe is out there and I certainly encourage if you haven’t had a chance to check it out that you do at I saw this cool thing. Somebody, I believe they were in the U.K., but they had gotten the Reframe films and decided to get a group together and kind of move through the end of the year through the Advent season really examining, using the Reframe files, the relationship that we have with God so that as we move into the new year of the scriptures, we’ve really considered deeply the changes that we need to make under the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the relationship which we’ve been kind of contemplating all year. I love that. I thought, man, right there, that’s the way to finish strong. That’s a great idea. So check that out. You can check out all Reframe things out at

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, is the place to be. There’s a link in the upper right-hand corner. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hi Daily Audio Bible community. My name is Robert. I just wanted to call not for any response. Just to say this: I was a very dutiful and faithful DAB listener for about three years and suddenly, without warning, most of the people in my family died – my brother, my father – and that caused such turmoil. Our family business went down and our family fabric disintegrated and long story short, without boring you with the details, I am somewhat alone. And I did not listen to DAB for probably a period of two years. And the only reason for my call tonight is I listened to it on November 12, 2015, and just absolutely cannot describe the feeling of coming home and the feeling of return and the solace and comfort that it provides and I don’t know why I ever stopped. I just can’t speak enough to how important and how absolutely live-saving that it is; that even if we fail, God doesn’t fail; and even when we walk away (I never, never walked away from God, I just really didn’t know what to do), but He’s always there. He’s always there and here he is again, ready to receive and listen. And it’s the community at the end of the Brian’s reading tonight, I listened to each and every phone call, and I just can’t describe the way it makes me feel. And I’m so glad to be back.

Father, I thank you so much for allowing us to come before you. Please, Father, I just want to pray for a second everybody who’s been doubting you, God, whether it’s because of just logically your Word doesn’t seem to make sense to them; or because you say or do something they don’t want to think that you said or did; or because there’s just this coldness in our souls that just says “There can’t be a God living in this soul. There can’t be a God anywhere in this universe.” Father, just please give us faith, God, whenever we doubt that you know more than we do about your will and give us wisdom in trying to understand the scriptures and understand what you’re saying whenever it doesn’t seem to make sense and give us serenity whenever we can’t quite find answers or whenever the answers turn out to be something we don’t want it to be, God. And also just remind us no matter how we feel, no matter what our feelings say, you will never let any of your children go, God. And whenever we pray in your will, just stay yours that you’re going to keep us, God. And please just draw us close to you and soften our hearts and just make us want to spend real time with you talking and listening to you, God. In Jesus’ name, amen. Anyway, my name is Carlos and I just wanted to pray real quick about that because I, myself, have been doubting lately and so, you know, I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t ask you guys to also pray for me and pray for that feeling I was talking about, like sometimes I sort of feel like I have an “atheist” heart almost. It’s this weird thing where I just don’t feel Jesus in my heart and I look at the world and I just think, “Can our God really have made this?” It just doesn’t feel likes there’s anything here but me and all the other people. And I just want you to pray for that. So, thanks a whole lot, you guys. Love you, bye.

Hello my Daily Audio Bible family. This is Mark S. from Sydney, Australia. Firstly, I haven’t rehearsed this prayer so there’s probably going to be a few mistakes, but I just felt that I needed to call in tonight. My son is suffering depression again, taking two weeks off work. Looks like he’s going to lose his job. So, could everybody please pray for him? I didn’t get permission to use his name. So if you could just pray for my son, Mark S.’s son, that would be wonderful. Brian, I’ve read your book, listened to your audio on Reframe and everybody, listen to the audio version, it’s worth it. And for all the prayer warriors, please never forget how valuable you are. Blind Tony, Sinner Redeemed, Slave of Jesus, everybody. To hear your name mentioned is a gift of God that people are praying for you. So, please thank you for all that. And Sinner Redeemed, thank you for mentioning me again on the Sunday’s community prayer request. Thank you. Thank you all. Please have a good evening. Bye.

Hello from beautiful Cincinnati, Ohio. This is Daniel J. It’s been a while since I called in. And today as I’m outside walking, it’s November 17, 2015, and we just got done reading a passage from Ezekiel, James 1 passage, Psalm 116, and, of course, the Proverbs. I love that we read what we read today because today is the 24th anniversary of the day that I made Jesus Lord of my life. And it’s phenomenal to me to think about all that’s happened these first 24 years. I’m sure there’s probably people who are 24 years old or younger and just to think that you weren’t born or you were just born right around the time I made Jesus Lord. One thing that I’ve recognized is that I need to make Jesus Lord every day of my life. And I’m not in a good place right now. Just having some rough spots with my marriage, my daughter, the relationship with my daughter, grieving over loss. It’s just also struggling against persistent sin and just these emotions that happen around this time of year as the weather changes. I appreciate your prayers but also I am not giving up. And I pray, even if it would be on my tombstone, that my epithet would be, “He made Jesus Lord every day.” And that’s what I desire. So thank you so much for this community. I love you all. God bless from beautiful Cincinnati, Daniel J. Make it a great day.

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible. This is Cherie or Chatty S. here in the Bronx, NY just calling once again to give thanks to this community. I want to lift up everybody up in prayer. But the purpose of my call today is because I’m home with a newborn, so I’m on maternity leave with the department of education for only about six weeks. So that’s been a little bit difficult for me anticipating to go back as much as I miss my classroom and my students, I’m also considering the well-being of my baby and just the transition of it all. This is my second child, Stella Grace S. Just trying to trust in God and have faith that he will be control of everything and protect my baby in daycare as it’s been difficult to find childcare otherwise. In any case as I was stumbling upon articles about women going back from maternity leave, I saw a situation that happened in July here in New York City for a baby named Carl. Mom went back to work after three months on maternity leave and found her son dead. So I definitely wanted to lift our family up in prayer and lift all the families up in prayer with fragile newborns and just let God be in control of every situation. He has given us these blessings and may we trust in him in all things for the care of our children and for us to be parents that steer these children up in the Word of God and living for Christ most of all. So with that said, God bless you all and have a blessed day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family. This is Vanessa from Arizona. I’m actually calling today just to ask for prayer request for my, actually, we went to see my boyfriend’s family in Puerto Rico this past week and his dad’s been really sick and they were saying that they were going to cut off his leg. And it was actually a really amazing trip and just being able to be there when he was reunited with his dad. He hadn’t seen him since he was 16, about 14 years ago. And it was just a lot of history there of him not being around. So, just seeing God in the process of redeeming that relationship, it was amazing. Just to be able to meet him and spend time with him and everything, give him a little bit of hope, and just being able to be there with him, loving him. But you know, we had to come back home and he’s still there and he’s in the process of, he’s actually in the hospital getting ready to have that surgery done. I just wanted to pray for him and his faith and his dad, that God will give him hope in his heart, and that he would just speak to him, and that he would just hold him close and give him everything that it is that he needs and just knowing that the Holy Spirit will intercede on his behalf for everything that he knows that we need. But I thank you all for your continued prayers every time I call and I know that you will be praying for him. His name is Joaquin, he goes by Junior. And I just really appreciate it. Thank you, Brian and Jill, for all that you. Brian, the book Reframe, it is just such a needed thing, work for all of us, so I really appreciate you all.
Tamarie 11/21/2015 18:45