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Daily Transcripts
Zechariah 14:1-21 ~ Revelation 20:1-15 ~ Psalm 148:1-14 ~ Proverbs 31:8-9

Today is December 29th or, maybe better said, this is the 29th day of December. Either way, I think…well, you English majors would know if I made a little mess-up. I don’t know. Anyway, it's the 29th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It's great to be here with you today in the twilight days of the year where we just have 3 days and we’re going to finish the Bible and we’re also going to finish this year. I can’t believe it. I get melancholy around this time because it is like we’ve been through so much together in a year, but I also get optimistic because it is like we’re just starting over.

Anyway, enough about all that. Let's dive into the scriptures and allow God to speak to us through his Word. We’re reading from the New Life Version this week.


Thank you, Father, for your Word. Thank you for another day, another day in the rhythm of the scriptures in a year. Thank you for this day. Even though we are in these twilight days, even though there are only a couple of days left in this year, we thank you for all that you’ve done and all that you have yet to do. We thank you for allowing us to spend this year together as a community and as we begin to reflect, as most people do at the end of the year, and as we begin to set goals and dreams and ambitions out before us for what the new year will look like, we invite you into that conversation. We have spent this whole year reframing what we think we know about you and examining and pressing into what an intimate, first-person, collaborative, holistically integrated, life-giving relationship with you would look like and we need that now. We need that now. We need that intimacy now as we begin to look toward what comes next, as we turn the page into a new year. We need you there and you are there and you are here. So we invite your Holy Spirit to speak to us, leading us, guiding, us, setting priorities for us, showing us what to focus on and what to let go of so that we can finish this year strong and start the next one stronger and healthy. And as we move into this next year healthy, seeing what that looks like, what shalom feels like, we invite you completely to speak into that. Come Holy Spirit, we pray. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Announcements is the website. It is where you find out what is going on around here so check it out. Like I said yesterday, we’re moving in. We’ve been in development for like 16 months on building from scratch almost a platform that allows us to begin to achieve some of the things that we felt like God was telling us to do and we kind of had to build the foundation. That is kind of how things work. That is kind of how things work when you build them. You have to build a strong, sure foundation or everything will fall down around it. So we’ve been building a strong, sure foundation and we’re kind of moving into it. For most people it will just look like the website has had a facelift, but the underlying technology is completely different and completely new and completely better. So we’re moving in there. You can check that out anytime at We’ll continue to move in for the next little while, while we just make sure everything is working right.

Let's see, what other announcements do I have here as we approach the end of the year? If you are a little bit behind or have missed some days, you need to download those. When we get to January 1st which happens when January 1st hits in the world, so depending on where you are, that could be earlier than midnight. For example, in the United States that takes place at 7 p.m. Central Standard Time where I am in the rolling hills of Tennessee. That is when the day begins for the next day. So download if you're behind. What we’re going to try, we’re going to attempt this year, really haven’t attempted in the past, is to leave the last week of December up for a week into the first week of January so if you're just a little in the weeds and just catching up a few days and want to finish the year well, that will still be there for a week. If you're further back, then the entire year for 2015 will be in the Daily Audio Bible Shop and that will be there on January 1st, so you can certainly go back and purchase the year and get the days that you missed. It's not like a profit center for the Daily Audio Bible. It’s a lot of data and it costs money to offer it, to download it, or bandwidth. So that will be available but we’ll keep up the last week of December for the first week of January, so just be aware.

The women's gathering, the More Gathering for Women that will be taking place this spring, April 7-10, and we do this each year and so many thousands of you have gone over the years that you already know this, but if you’ve been looking at it and kind of considering it and feeling like maybe you should go, early registration ends December 31st, which doesn’t mean you can’t go. It just means early registration pricing that we make available for Christmastime has to come to an end. So check out

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible here in the final days of the year so that we can offer you a tax-deductible charitable contribution receipt for the year 2015, and obviously that has to be in 2015, there is a link, upper right-hand corner of the home page of If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And, of course, as always, this is a community. If you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that is all for today. I'm Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hi Daily Audio Bible. This is Carol from Indiana. I called at the first of the year to ask for prayers for our son who was being deployed for the third time. He has safely returned to us and we praise God for that. I pray for all of you and thank you for your prayers for our troops. I'm calling to ask for you to continue to pray for our son because he sustained an injury while there. He has gone to several specialists around his base and state and will have to go in January to a specialist at Fort Meade in Massachusetts. Please continue to pray for the physicians that will see him, that they can come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. Please also pray for his mental health as well as those men and women that are returning back to the States. I ask at this time that you would pray for the community that I live in. We are being terrorized by a cyber bully. Our children have had to miss school. Our mall has been closed more than once and our officials, state, city, local, county as well as federal are all trying to solve this crime. Please pray that this person would be caught. Please pray that indeed he will be able to be helped or she would be able to be helped. Pray that they can receive the Lord's forgiveness and that they would ask for it as they’ve been crippling our community. I wanted to give a shout-out to Pelham, to Asia, to Biola, Slave of Jesus, Daniel J. Jr., Blind Tony, and Sheila. Thank you for all of the uplifting prayers that you give us. I lift your families up all the time and I just ask, dear Lord, that you would be with the DAB family and team as we celebrate Christmas. Merry Christmas and thank you for your continued prayers. Goodbye.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. It's Dr. John in Jordan, NY. Sometimes you kind of get to a point and you get kicked in the head for where you should have been a while ago. My apologies to Bart and Slave of Jesus in North Carolina because you get it and I just got it and that is being a slave of the Most High God, a servant, which is translated as slave, the change that we have as slaves to Jesus isn’t a change that restricts us. That is a change that keeps us out of places we’re not supposed to go. That is just what I have reframed tonight. It is what I learned about being a slave of Jesus. It is that following Jesus, completely sold out and setting everything to him and not having any of my own agenda means that he can keep me out of the places I'm not supposed to go. That can make my life a lot easier, so I’ve had a duh moment today and that was it. So Slave of Jesus, right there with you, brother. Thanks. Finally got the message. You guys have a great day. Make it a great day. Love you guys. Peace.

Hi, it's Asia in Munich. This call is for the new mom on maternity leave struggling to go back to work and has anxiety about daycare. I’ve been there and I just trusted in God to let me do the right thing for my baby and for my family, so I'm asking God to do the same for you. Jay in New Jersey, I'm so sorry to hear that you and your wife are separating. I'm praying for restoration. I'm praying for all the marriages. So many calls have come in about people separating and divorcing and I know it is a touchy subject and I'm no expert but I know what the Bible says. God hates divorce. So unless you can get a divorce without signing the petition and your partner decides that they are going to go through with it, as was the case of my parents, then that is out of your hands and God knows your heart, but we have just got to remember that we cannot give up. We made vows before our Heavenly Father and you just have to read the Word. God does not like divorce so I'm praying for all of you out there. Yvonne D.H., I'm so glad you called in, girl!! We have missed you. Pray that your things are going well in ATL for you. I didn’t understand your email address. All I got was Angel12, so if anyone was able to get it, please send it to me. I'm Drew in the Bay Area, I'm praying for healing and restoration with your daughter. A shout-out to Raphael in Maryland and Garth in UK and Byron in Florida. I love you guys. I love so many of you. Annette A., it was so great to hear you, girlfriend! Let's just all continue to remember to pray for our soldiers. Keep my brother in prayer who was in Iraq and is dealing with some mental issues. We have to remember that we cannot forget our fallen soldiers and the ones who come home. We have got to keep them in prayer. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year 2016. My word is acceptance, that people accept the Word of Christ. Love you!

Hello and good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Jay from New Jersey. I just wanted to call and thank Larry from Tennessee, Nashville, for his prayer and his positive feedback on marriages that are having problems. As you guys know, my marriage is having a little bit of an issue right now, so I would appreciate your continued prayer. Those of you who are praying, I can sense that. I can feel it. I can because I have this sense of peace about what is going on right now. So just pray for me specifically and my wife, that we can come to a compromise and we can do that through Christ. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for everything that you have done for us, that you are currently doing, and that you are going to do. We thank you just because of who you are, just because of you, your existence and by holding everything together. Father, we thank you for your will. We thank you for your power and your peace and your joy. We thank you for your love and your grace, Father. We thank you for another opportunity to come together over the Daily Audio Bible and focus on you. Mighty God, we pray for every marriage in the world. We pray for every Christian marriage in the world. We pray, Father, that you will be glorified in the reconciliation of all these marriages. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, amen. God bless you, Daily Audio Bible family.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Alphaio calling from Delaware. Return. As we read the book of Amos, I cannot help but to __________ God's heart to his children to return, to return to him, to return to their heart that is faithful, to return to an everlasting love, and to return to an intimate relationship that has been marred by sin and rebellion. When we reframe our thoughts, beliefs and actions toward God, then we will begin to understand why God wants us to return to him. It is all about you and the next step that you take, the next decision that you make. Return because in returning you will find God and in finding God you will __________. We all desire paradise in the little setting, the paradise of being __________, the paradise of bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the paradise of shining the much needed light in the dark world. These are passing. It is __________. May our hearts begin to yearn for God and may we return to him. Abandon everything that has __________ relationship with God. For if you seek first the kingdom of heaven, then all the other things shall be added unto you. May we consciously begin to return to our God and be with him as it was always meant to be. May you make it a great day. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible family.

Hi DAB family. This is Rob S., Worship Dude from Nashville, TN. Just want to say thank you everybody who has been praying for my arm. Kim from California, may the Lord heal your shoulder and all the different things that you’ve got going on that need healing. Thank you, Biola. Thank you, Slave of Jesus. And there is one other person I know who mentioned me. I can’t remember your name, but thank you all. May the Lord richly bless you. I just want to pray a blessing over the DAB family during this Christmas Season. As Mary said in Luke 1, may your soul glorify the Lord and may our spirits rejoice in God, our Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant and from now on may generations call you blessed for the Mighty One is doing great things for you. Holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him from generation to generation. Father, I pray your blessing on this DAB ministry, on Brian and on those who listen and pray. Father, may your great name be exalted among all the nations, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Merry Christmas. God bless you guys.

Tamarie 12/29/2015 11:56