The Long Walk 2010

Concerned about the weather...
I've been looking for places to go for my long walk. I really want to participate this year but my major concern is about the weather conditions on the East Coast. It's projected to be over 100 degrees tomorrow. Any thoughts/suggestions?
Adrian Browner 07/06/2010 14:02

Replies: (page   1   2)
Craig from Illinois 07/06/2010 14:17
My first thought was to drink a lot of water, but then I thought "there are 24 hours in a day". Consider a safe place to take a night hike, look into the heavens and have a cool night of conversation with God starting around midnight tonight. Will that work?

Adrian Browner 07/06/2010 15:03
There are not really a lot of places to take a safe night hike; I thought about going to a museum but I guess that would be too distracting for the purpose of tomorrow.
Cabingirl 07/06/2010 17:22
Earlier in the morning when it's still cool?
Calico 07/07/2010 00:01
How about turning this into a faith thing; or more accurately, a trust thing? Let the Spirit bring you along and direct your steps. You'll find the way your being led in as you become single-minded. Ignore the weather... :-)
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