iPhone APP discussion

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daflores 12/28/2010 10:08
Link to App Support Email:
beedee97 12/30/2010 11:00
I tried again today and it is not even showing up in search apps anymore. Do we all need to go to the Apple link and log?
steve bateman 12/30/2010 12:06
Had several emails back and forth from them the last couple of days. Something is happening as both the apps have disappeared from iTunes store. Keep praying.
giftoflight 12/31/2010 06:40
I also sent an email to them and got a generic response. I pray that they resolve this soon.
giftoflight 12/31/2010 06:42
It says the app is not available in the US - WHAT?
IsrvChrist 01/03/2011 08:41
I was *just* able to download this from iTunes. I tried right from my iPhone, and it didn't find the app, but the link through iTunes worked. (It didn't yesterday when I tried)
daflores 01/03/2011 16:59
reporting also, app store has dab listed and I was able to download it
Jenna in Austin 01/03/2011 21:40
Yay! I just downloaded it! pumped now... woohoo!
giftoflight 01/05/2011 05:32
me too! hooray! i just downloaded the app for DAB... Hallelujah!
Brian Hardin 01/05/2011 10:23
Thank you everyone who got in touch with Apple about this. It seems that they finally got around to fixing the problem. There is an update in review right now that incorporates Chinese and Proverbios. There is also an Andriod App nearing completion. Additionally we are completely re-working the "Listen Now" part of our website so that it can operate as an app with any smartphone. Soon there will be options. I'm a mac guy but I DO NOT like to be at the mercy of Apple or anyone else but Jesus.
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