Need Encouragement?

Really Struggling
We are really struggling right now
with finances and health.
I've been on medication since my mild heart attack on Feb. 9,
and my wife takes lots of medication for cholesterol, asthma, diabetes, and blood pressure.
We had good insurance last year, but are still left with about $2500 in medical bills
and are keeping our credit cards maxed out paying on them each month.
Now our insurance coverage has changed to a High deductible policy
which pays nothing until we are out of pocket $5000!
Right now I need to refill my Plavix and she needs her Lipitor,
but together that comes to more than $300,
and there is no way we can pay that.
With my pension and disability, it looks like we have plenty of funds,
but bills use it all every month, and this change is devastating,
and I don't know what to do.

I've been trying to get some income through my Shaklee business,
at, but have zero customers,
and through my bookstore at
I'm spending time trying to publicize those sites,
but so far have had very few people even signing the guest books and "Like"ing it on Facebook.
I know it takes time, but I'm feeling desperate, and time is short.

I'm not asking for handouts from anyone,
and hesitate to even bring this up here,
but anything anyone here can do
to keep me in prayer
and to spread the word about the websites would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you and God bless you.
Lanny (aka "homesong")

Lanny Carlson 01/10/2011 12:20

Replies: (page   1   2)
Kelley 01/10/2011 15:01
(((Lanny))) praying.... I know these are scary times for so many. I don't have health insurance at all and so many people are in the same boat, with inadequate or non-existant health coverage, adrift in a medical system that is used to what insurance companies can pay for things instead of individual people who don't have deep pockets. I don't know what the answers are, but I will pray for creative ideas, for wise input from people who do know, for God's protection, for freedom from fear....
Tom B 01/10/2011 20:30
I'm praying for you and your wife Lanny.
Helga 01/10/2011 21:25
Praying for you Lanny.
Tom B 01/11/2011 06:56
I sent you a private message too. Hope you can see it.
Lanny Carlson 01/11/2011 08:41
Thanks, Tom.
And thanks to all for your prayers.
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