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The TRUTH about God and his provision
Hello precious saints,

I was quickened as I heard the reading of Matthew 6:25 -34. I heard the words as commands, not just something that I should entertain as possibly applying to me. I heard God speaking that HE WOULD provide. He speaks to our value to him, how our provision is likened to that of the clothing of the lillies of the field and HOW MUCH more important we are to him than them. We must believe that HE IS ON OUR SIDE and that HE WILL PROVIDE.

We must be cautious not to put him in a box in HOW he answers our prayers, but HIS WORD says that HE WILL PROVIDE and it is our duty and his command to us to believe HIS WORD and to allow our hearts to rest in it.

I spoke these very words at our church service on Sunday and find myself challenged to "reconsider" those words. I hear the doubt that is trying to come in and flood my heart with fear, but TODAY I look to the Lord to strengthen my faith and to give me the grace to further stand in his covenant with his people. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!

Lisa Dieffenbach 01/11/2011 06:09

Ray 01/11/2011 10:44
The rhema word.

'In Greek, the word rhema means "an utterance." Therefore, the rhema word in Biblical terms refers to a portion of scripture that "speaks" to a believer. In most cases, a rhema word received while reading the Bible applies to a current situation or need.'

Thanks. God is good. You might like to share on the thread about what "stood out today."