Random Dialog

September Festival
Some of you will remember
that I attended Spirit Fest (now known as Sat Nam Fest) in Waynesboro, PA last September,
and gave it rave reviews.

Well, I would like to extend an invitation to any who are interested
to attend this years event September 13-16.
If you register using my promo code SNFECARLSON
it will give you a $25 discount on a 3 or 4 day pass,
AND it will help me attend again, as I get a pass if six people sign up using my code.

As I said last year, and as you can read at the Sat Nam site,
"Where else could a retired United Methodist pastor go to a Jewish Retreat Center
and join with Sikhs, Jews, Catholics, and others in praise and worship of the ONE GOD?
The music, the chanting, the yoga, all under the leadership of such gifted people, plus the good food and great fellowship -
all made for an uplifting and unforgettable experience."

Check it out at http://www.satnamfest.com/east/index.html
Lanny Carlson 06/04/2012 16:48

John T 06/05/2012 10:35
I just can't help but put a caution out there. I visited the site, and it gave me a very creepy feeling. I immediately put on the Daily Audio Bible to try to wash myself in the word.

The one true God send his only Son to die for our sins, and His word proclaims that no one can come to the Father but through the Son.

Unless I'm mistaken, I failed to see any mention of giving glory to the Son, Jesus Christ on this site. The focus seemed to be on methods and practices, chanting, eastern religions, etc.

I would be very cautious about an event like this. Yes it truly could be a "spirit fest" but remember, there are many spirits out there that we really don't want to be at a festival with. 1/3 of the angels were cast out with Satan, and roam the world to deceive.

Be careful folks,
Lanny Carlson 06/05/2012 11:53
I understand your caution, John,
and this might not be for you.
I only know that for me,
the event last year was one of the most blessed weekends
of my entire life.

No, it's not a "Christian" event,
but the name of Jesus is lifted up in a number of chants;
as with the Jewish perspective,
most attendees probably don't see Jesus as the Messiah,
but certainly see him as a revelation of God.

Anyone who feels threatened or afraid probably shouldn't attend.
But remember, "perfect love casts out fear,"
and I found nothing at Sat Nam Fest to fear.
Use discernment, gain from what is good (and there is much good here),
and don't worry about the rest.

Grace and Peace,

P.S. - The festival is now called Sat Nam Fest;
Sat Nam can be variously translated,
but basically means "the Name is Truth,"
and acknowledges that our real identity
is found in our relation to the Truth.
Yoga sessions often end with the word "Namaste,"
which means something like
"the divine in me bows to the divine in you."
Understood properly,
that's a very Quaker concept, a very Christian concept.
The very first book of the Bible tells us
that we are created in the image of God
and that the spirit of God dwells within us.
If we could all recognize the divine within each of us,
rather than focusing on what is not divine, and demonizing one another,
what an incredible world this would be!
It would be the Kingdom of God!

John T 06/05/2012 12:19
You're right when you say that many don't believe in Jesus as Messiah. I recently learned that a part of the muslim faith is they believe that their leader will come and Jesus is the leader's lieutenant. So they demote Jesus from being who he is, the true son of God, by whom only we can be saved, to a second in command to a false God, who cannot save anyone.
John T 06/05/2012 12:28
As I was scrolling, it's also interesting that at a glance, to an english reader, the site appears more like "satanfest", which is funny only because there is truth in the fact that he is the head of all false religions and false spirits.
Lanny Carlson 06/05/2012 15:19
lol An amusing observation!
Still, a word of caution is in order,
not to demonize things we don't understand
or with which we don't agree.
If the Old Testament writers could believe
that God could speak through Balaam's donkey
or could consider th king of Persia to be God's anointed,
then surely God can speak through a group of devoted people at Sat Nam Fest!

John T 06/05/2012 15:54
Don't you believe that God spoke through Balaam's donkey?
I certainly do. :-)

Have a good time at the festival, Lanny. All the best. Spread the good news of our wonderful saviour there. You're a celebrity and a missionary!