Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You

Hello, I would like to hear from ladies in the DAB family who are in marriages to non-believers. I have been married to Mark for 20 years, we have two boys, 16 and 10. I did not know the Lord when we wed in 1992, and I so long for him to know who Jesus is. Mark says he hasn't a spiritual bone in his body. I love him very very much and try to be the best wife I can possibly be. He is a good husband and father. We have been through some very testing times. I get discouraged at times, and wonder what God's plan is for him. There is so much written out there in Christian circles about marriage, but most of it assumes you are married to a fellow believer. There must be lots of people out there in my position, and I would love to pray and offer encouragement to others in the same position, and to receive prayer and encouragement myself. I have never used an online forum in my life, so this is a new venture for me. Love you DAB family. xxx Sally
Lapsang1 11/27/2012 05:40

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slaveofjesus923 01/25/2013 04:19
Praying for you Sally- not a lady but married to non-believer and it is the hardest thing. I am new Christian so don't hold it against my wife, in fact I used to be hard core atheist. Most of our disagreements these days are about my "overboard" Christianity. The bible teaches me when my family or others persecute me for believing I am to rejoice.. so I rejoice alot. There are TONS of DABers married to non-believers. Read the forums, listen to the podcasts (in one forum someone types out the transcript for each broadcast in case you miss an email address etec), pray on it and and let the Holy Spirit tell you who to reach out to. Love you--- Bart
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