December 21, 2007

So the mark I felt we would reach this year is upon us. Six million downloads. Every time a million is reached I lean back, fold my hands behind my head and stare at the ceiling trying to visualize what that represents. I can’t. It’s beyond me and one more reminder of how what I do here is a part of something far greater than any one individual.

Numbers can be deceiving though. Numbers like these go a long way in giving the podcast credibility but the reality is that Christ said he would leave the ninety-nine to find the one which seems to indicate that throwing up big performance numbers isn’t necessarily His style. He’s looking at every individual heart and when I realize the numbers of downloads and I think of the individual hearts I begin once again to see the staggering reality of God’s capacity for love. To say that we serve a big God is cliché’. Sometimes cliché is all there is to say.

God came to earth as a baby, pooping in the barn with all the other animals to live, learn and rescue us. Each of us. Individually. He came for the many but He did it individually. The offer is to all but those who accept it enter into a new life. This is perhaps a context for what God is doing here among us. The call of the Bible goes out to the many, but its the beautiful work that it accomplishes in our individual lives that really matters.

Have a Holiday season that matters this year. The hustle and bustle fades. God coming to earth to rescue you remains.

Onward Comrades,

Brian Hardin, 12/20/2007