Long Walk 09

Tuesday is DAB Long Walk 09. I can barely imagine if you've been around here more than a day that you don't know what it is and why we do it so i won't recap. I am looking forward to the forums lighting up with photographs from around the world and stories of how God came and spent time with you as you set yourself apart to spend time with Him.

July 7 has become an important day in this community but it happened organically. We never set out to have our own little DAB Holiday it just became. It's also quite interesting to have journals and forums to look back to and not only see what others were saying but what I was saying. It's the strangest thing to see us as a community reaching for God and then being surprised by His presence. The WindFarm is one of those things. Although it came into full view in August of 2008 in hindsight I see that it was percolating around in our community at least a year earlier when we did The Call on 07-07-07 and birthed the Long Walk.

It's actually quite comforting to know that God really is working and aligning things here whether we're always paying attention or not. He's always working in our lives. The Long Walk is a day we set aside to pay attention. THIS YEAR we'll launch the WindFarm Radio Network on July 7 and inagurate prayer and worship around the world, around the clock. I'm going to take some time to share about that in depth soon because it's far too much to write so stay tuned. Needless to say, July 7 you'll get the instructions on how to tune it. We're cleared for launch.

If you want to lead the community in prayer there are two numbers you can call. Toll free in the United States (877) 634-3337 and local in the UK 0203-318-4217

Onward Comrades,

Brian Hardin, 7/5/2009 1